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Should Israel Arm Kurdish Terrorists?

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  • Should Israel Arm Kurdish Terrorists?

    Should Israel Arm Kurdish Terrorists?

    Jon Wiener

    Jon Wiener on Saturday, September 17, 2011 - 18:03

    First came the news that advisors to Israel's foreign minister had
    recommended that Israel provide arms for the Kurdish terrorist group
    PKK, the Kurdistan Workers Party which has been fighting an armed
    struggle against Turkey for an autonomous Kurdistan.The idea was for
    Israel to punish Turkey for expelling the Israeli ambassador, after
    Israel refused to apologize for its raid on the Gaza flotilla, in
    which nine Turkish citizens were killed.That news was first revealed
    a week ago in the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth and then by the
    widely-read Haaretz(but never published in the New York Times.)

    Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu `did not deny or confirm the
    plan,' according to Haaretz.His office said that Foreign Minister
    Avidgor Lieberman was considering only a `theoretical option in case
    of an escalation' and that `a decision will be made only and if
    necessary.'Netanyahu added that his goal was to improve relations
    with Turkey.

    Now the head of the PKK has announced the group would not accept
    Israeli arms until Israel apologizes for helping the Turkish
    government capture the PKK's leader Abdullah Öcalan in 1999.

    Of course if Israel did arm the PKK, it could be designated a `State
    Sponsor of Terrorism' by the US State Department.State Sponsors of
    Terrorism, which include Syria, Iran, and Cuba, are subject to
    sanctions by the US, including a ban on arms-related exports and
    sales, and prohibition of economic assistance by the US.That would
    certainly constitute a change in US-Israeli relations.

    The same Israeli advisors who recommended arming the PKK suggested a
    second way to punish Turkey for expelling the Israeli ambassador:
    `offer assistance to the Armenians and file UN reports against Turkey
    for violating human rights of Turkey's minorities.'The issue here is
    that, to date, Israel has refused to recognize the Armenian genocide -
    in deference to the Turkish government, once its closest ally in the
    Muslim world.That refusal has been especially galling since Hitler
    himself considered the Turks' genocide of the Armenians to provide a
    model of sorts for the Third Reich's campaign against the Jews.In
    1939, a month before Germany invaded Poland, beginning WWII, Hitler
    famously said `Who today speaks of the annihilation of the Armenians?'

    In conclusion, I offer two modest suggestions: (1) Israel would be
    wise not to arm the PKK; (2) truth and justice would be served by
    Israel finally recognizing the Turks' genocide of the Armenians.

    From: A. Papazian