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Georgian Armenians May Become US Partners

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  • Georgian Armenians May Become US Partners

    Igor Muradyan News
    11:13:03 - 20/09/2011

    Igor Muradyan, political scientist, thinks the Russian policy on
    Javakhk has failed, and the United States may establish partnership
    with Georgian Armenians.

    It is becoming quite obvious that the United States is interested
    in supporting the interests of Armenians in Georgia. More exactly,
    the decision to improve the social situation of the Georgian
    Armenians is meant. Certainly, it is possible to explain the policy
    of the United States in this direction by its interest to resolve
    the Armenian-Georgian issues but the motives of the Americans are
    connected with more important issues of geopolitical character and
    refer to the problems of regional security.

    The Americans realize that Georgia has appeared in a rather vulnerable
    state, especially in the result of rapprochement of Russia and Turkey.

    It is obvious that Turkey has set to a new and plain policy of
    expansion toward Georgia, which is viewed by Ankara as a trampoline
    for its presence in the North Caucasus. But what is more important, the
    Turks intend to use Georgia as a bridge between Turkey and Azerbaijan.

    If earlier Turkey's policy regarding Georgia was more or less delicate,
    the failure of the Turkish policy in the Near East and after the
    revelation of the lack of results from the confrontation with the
    United States, the Turks are seeking to move toward the regions of
    South and North Caucasus. Certainly, this will be directed against
    the interests of Russia but it is the U-turn in geopolitics when the
    United States, equally with Russia, is interested in restraining the
    Turkish expansion because this arrangement of forces and strategic
    goals of the powers of the region has been principally corrected.

    But Moscow still cherishes illusions regarding the rapprochement of
    Russia and Turkey to oppose the United States. This rapprochement of
    two leading regional states poses danger not only to Armenia but also
    to Georgia, the countries which are viewed are viewed in the doctrine
    of neo-Ottomanism as the "forward echelon" of Turkish expansion.

    The external political conditions and approaches in the Georgian
    political thinking determine constant concessions to Turkey and its
    close partner, Azerbaijan. The portion of freedom granted to the
    Turkish expansion by the Americans was used up in the late 1990s but
    the Georgians have apparently noticed this much later. The Americans
    understand that Georgia is unable to counteract to the Turkish
    expansion, and the policy of restraint which the United States
    consistently pursues toward Turkey needs more active partners in
    Georgia, and the Armenians of Georgia could be such. The United States
    is especially interested in the social and political activity of the
    regions populated with Armenians where Armenians live in tight-knit
    communities and are tied to Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora.

    The Americans have fulfilled the centennial dream of the Armenians
    of Javakhk and laid out the road to Armenia and are addressing
    the problems of this province with closer scrutiny. No doubt the
    important decisions in the area of the rights of ethnic religious
    communities are taken with the consideration of the Americans. At
    the same time, the Americans "suddenly" discovered that the Russians
    have practically lost their influence in Javakhk and on the Georgian
    Armenians in general, which is an important circumstance for the
    "self-determination" of the Armenians of Georgia.

    Currently the United States makes efforts to implement its plans in the
    Black Sea-Caucasian region where it seeks for maximum ousting of Russia
    and Turkey. In a situation where a pro-Russian trend is unfolding among
    political parties and groups in Georgia which are up for reanimating
    relations between Georgia and Russia, along with the political groups,
    the ethnic and religious groups may also become U.S. partners in
    Georgia. At any rate, the United States cannot ignore this factor.

    Now the Russians would like to demonstrate that they still have some
    influence on the Georgian Armenians but it looks rather awkward. The
    first stage of reanimation of Russian influence on Georgia, including
    on the Georgian Armenians ended up in failure. However, this policy
    is again activated, and the Russians understand that the Armenian
    factor in Georgia may become quite tangible in the political struggle
    in the nearest future.

    From: Baghdasarian