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On The Occasion Of The 20th Anniversary Of Armenia's Independence A

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  • On The Occasion Of The 20th Anniversary Of Armenia's Independence A


    Office of the President
    Sept 17 2011

    Today, by the decree of the President of Armenia, on the occasion of
    the 20th anniversary of Armenia's independence a group of individuals
    were awarded high state awards for significant achievements and
    accomplishments in their respective areas. Among them well-known
    persons, who have made considerable contribution to the preservation
    of the Armenian identity and provided services to the Motherland.

    Today, during the official award ceremony, which took place at the
    Presidential Palace, the President of Armenia handed the orders and
    medals as well as honorary titles to the prominent figures from Spyurk,
    representatives of science, education, health care and economy, as well
    as a group of the Army and law enforcement servicemen and diplomats.

    President Sargsyan congratulated the awardees and wished them further

    *** Congratulatory remarks by President Serzh Sargsyan at the award
    ceremony in the Presidential Palace on the occasion of the 20th
    anniversary of independence of the Republic of Armenia

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Generals and Officers, Dear Guests,

    I cordially congratulate you on the occasion of the 20th anniversary
    of Armenia's independence and on receiving high state awards.

    I am honored to be handing these awards because gathered today are
    worthy representatives of our country and our society. It is first
    of all thanks to these people that our state is strong and thanks to
    these people our nation moves forward.

    Armenia twenty years ago and Armenia of today are two different
    countries not only for the world but also for us. Our country has
    transformed first of all because of the people's, concrete people's
    dedicated work. Drops of each person's efforts come together to become
    a tremendous force. As the saying goes, "Constant dropping wears away
    a stone". We, as a nation for twenty years have been drop by drop
    "wearing away a stone". Today, for me each of the awardees is one of
    these precious and important drops.

    Nevertheless, Armenia of twenty years before and Armenia of today
    is the same country - with the same language, culture and family
    traditions, same national aspirations. We will stay the same but
    also different - conservative and modern, national and international,
    ancient and always new. This is the road toward eternity, if we want
    to be travelers of eternity.

    A soldier or an officer, a scientist or an artist, a doctor or a
    teacher, a builder or a state employee, a construction worker of a
    dignitary - we all eventually are doing the same job - we are elements
    of the same structure. Just as the foundation, pillars and the dome
    of a temple which have different functions but together represent
    one entity. In Vahan Terian's words, "Our country is a temple, and
    sacred is each stone." And if every one of us perceives himself of
    herself as a brick of a temple wall, he or she will see how strong,
    beautiful and immortal we are together and how vulnerable when a
    block is missing in the temple wall.

    Today, Motherland acknowledges those who have that comprehension,
    who live and work with that comprehension, who set criteria because
    tomorrow's generation will be guided by that very criteria.

    I once again congratulate you and thank you for your work. I remain
    confident that you, together with your colleagues will continue and
    augment your and our success - success which will allow us in twenty
    years to have an entirely different, an entirely new country but also
    the same ancient and dearly loved Armenia.
