September 21, 2011 - 14:58 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - A Syrian-born astronomer is slated to become a
U.S. citizen at a special naturalized ceremony at the National Radio
Astronomy Observatory in Magdelena, New Mexico, AP reports.
Emmanuel Momjian and his wife Mari Jananian are scheduled Wednesday,
September 21, to be naturalized. Both are from Syria and are of
Armenian descent.
Momjian studies at observatory radio astronomy and various types of
celestial objects, from star forming regions in the Milky Way Galaxy
to distant galaxies and quasars. He also supervises students and
early career astronomers, and collaborates with astronomers worldwide.
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory Very Large Array is located
50 miles west of Socorro.
September 21, 2011 - 14:58 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - A Syrian-born astronomer is slated to become a
U.S. citizen at a special naturalized ceremony at the National Radio
Astronomy Observatory in Magdelena, New Mexico, AP reports.
Emmanuel Momjian and his wife Mari Jananian are scheduled Wednesday,
September 21, to be naturalized. Both are from Syria and are of
Armenian descent.
Momjian studies at observatory radio astronomy and various types of
celestial objects, from star forming regions in the Milky Way Galaxy
to distant galaxies and quasars. He also supervises students and
early career astronomers, and collaborates with astronomers worldwide.
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory Very Large Array is located
50 miles west of Socorro.