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Expert: U.S. Will Never Recognize Armenian Genocide

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  • Expert: U.S. Will Never Recognize Armenian Genocide


    Tuesday, September 20, 17:59

    The United States will never recognize the Genocide of Armenia
    especially considering Washington's plans to deploy early warning radar
    in the territory of Turkey, Aristakes Simavoryan, expert at Noravank
    Research and Educational Fund, Director of Armenian Studies Center,
    said in a press conference in Yerevan, Tuesday.

    USA's attempts to station the radar in Turkey shows that Washington
    and Ankara are establishing closer relations. In addition, he said, as
    long as USA wants to influence Iran through its radars, the US-Turkey
    relations will hardly deteriorate because of the Genocide issue.

    "For the USA recognition of the Armenian Genocide is just a political
    instrument to exert pressure on Turkey," the expert said.

    Earlier on Sept 14 Turkey and the U.S signed the agreement to deploy
    the European missile defense system (MDS) in Turkey. According to the
    agreement, the radar will be placed on the Kurecik base in the Turkish
    city of Malatya. The Pentagon has said the radar will be operational
    by the end of 2011 and will be linked to ballistic missile defense
    ships operating in the Mediterranean Sea. A high-ranking Turkish
    military officer is expected to be posted to a NATO anti-ballistic
    team stationed in Germany.

    Genocide of Armenians has been recognized by 44 United States as
    well as by 21 countries, including Canada, Argentina, Switzerland,
    Uruguay, Russia, Belgium, France, Poland, Slovakia, the Netherlands,
    Greece, Cyprus, Vatican, Sweden, Lithuania.. The European Parliament
    passed a resolution recognizing the fact of Armenian Genocide in the
    Ottoman Turkey on June 18 1987 and demanded the Council of Europe
    to exert pressure on Turkey in order that country recognizes the
    Armenian Genocide. Turkey still denies the genocide of 1,5 million
    Armenians in 1915-1923.
