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Independence Generation Is Coming

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  • Independence Generation Is Coming

    Siranuysh Papyan News
    13:53:41 - 20/09/2011

    Interview with Aghasi Tadevosyan, ethnographer

    What are the achievements of independence?

    The issue is whether we managed to build our state. We became
    independent from the Soviet Union in 1991 that ruled for 70 years
    and from the 200-year Russian domination. We were a dependent nation,
    we had no state. Now the situation has changed radically.

    Post-Soviet Armenia could not be considered independent yet. In
    cultural terms, post-Soviet Armenia was an attempt to reform the
    national with Soviet system rules. People engaged in the creation
    of independent Armenia were Soviet people. They were brought up and
    educated in the anti-Western spirit and were deprived of the ability
    to perceive capitalism culturally, politically, economically. So,
    they just managed to create a Post-Soviet-Armenia. This is what
    we have today. The task of the new generation is to get rid of the
    old generation, and this passage is almost over, but the passage to
    independence still has to be continued.

    The pro-Russian sentiment in Armenia in 75% of the population is,
    though slowly, decreasing.

    This decrease is due to the emergence of a class of people in the
    country who are RoA citizens. These young people are not many but they
    already have big influence and serious competitive qualities. This
    class is very active. These young people, such as those of "We are
    the masters of this city" initiative, are able to fight the oligarchs
    and achieve results. In terms of quality, they radically differ from
    those who they compete with. They are not the Soviet generation,
    they are the independence generation. Further confrontations will
    take place between the Soviet generation that monopolized government
    and the economy and the one of the independent Armenia. When does
    the influence of one social class or another increase? When the
    competitor's ideas differ. Why are the rest of people unable to protect
    their rights? Because they don't have a stance, their position does
    not differ from the one of the oligarchs who are accused of robbing
    the country.

    Do you explain declining Russophilia by individual approaches only?

    I think Russophilia does not suppose deep love towards Russia and the
    Russian people but the inability to see and evaluate your own power.

    This arises in the result of group thinking when people do not believe
    they are able to achieve something with their own force, without
    being members of this or another clan. There is no oligarch that is
    individually independent. They are all members of groups. Most of
    them will lose their "almightiness" as soon as they are deprived of
    the protection of tax and customs services and forced to compete in
    equal conditions. This is the reason why people think they are unable
    to ensure their security without their sponsor - the elder brother
    - Russia. The elder brother traditionally takes care of the other
    brothers, takes decisions for them, and leads the clan. So, I think,
    Russophilia in Armenia has a subservient nature rather than friendly
    and it will be possible to overcome it if the bearers of individual
    values become more in our society. This is the only way in the modern
    world to establish independence at the national level. As a state we
    do not have our position. The point is our development. We failed the
    passage because we did not know what we wanted, some Western theorists
    and political figures decided that Armenia should pass the standard
    transition processes including the sock therapy, privatization etc.

    But these theorists came out to be wrong. We suffered losses because
    our decisions were taken by others.

    So, we haven't "tasted" independence?

    There should be a shift of generations, new characteristics should
    arise because if we rely on the value and worldview of the Soviet
    generation, we will fail. Those, who have Soviet ideas and values and
    continue the Soviet thinking, will never change. We must replace these
    people with others. We just need to not lose time. Our shortcoming
    in the past 20 years of independence has been our failure to shape a
    generation that would consolidate and develop the independence. This
    generation, I have spoken about such individuals, has formed
    accidentally, and the state or the public efforts have nothing to
    do with this. Many of them living in the Western environment became
    carriers of interpretation abilities of that sphere, then they acted
    as mediators for the Armenian society, because their cultural capital
    was not formed in Armenia but in the West. They brought that capital
    and invested in Armenia, creating a new quality of civil society. In
    essence, the processes happening in the civil area are deeply political
    because politics is an activity aimed at fulfillment of ideas.
