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Arts & Entertainment: Patrick Fiori: Armenia In My Veins

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  • Arts & Entertainment: Patrick Fiori: Armenia In My Veins

    Sept 21 2011

    Famous French singer of Armenian descent Patrick Fiori attended
    the evening in Marseilles Palais Pharo on the 20th anniversary of
    Independence of the Republic of Armenia. In this regard, he gave an
    interview to French La Provence newspaper, which is offered below by
    Armenian News -

    - Why participate in this event? Duty or pleasure?

    Patrick Fiori: Because Armenia is in my veins. Half of my body,
    half of my blood belongs to this wonderful people.

    - You are both of Corsican and Armenian origins, two powerful nations.

    To which culture do you feel closest?

    P.F.: Both. I received, I think, a very good education, both on the
    side of Corsica and the Armenian side. I'm crazy fan of my father
    and I know how this commitment of mine is important to him.

    - Not a slight preference anyway?

    PF: I do not compare. These are, admittedly, two strong people and each
    of them give something to me. I speak about strength of character,
    truthfulness that is there in both cases, franchise. These are real
    people on both sides and that's what touches me the most.

    - Does the younger generation have a new way to express itself?

    PF: Well, the youth wants to do things anyway. There is also
    solidarity. The Armenian community was very helpful when I started
    my career. It assisted me so that I can do my job according to all
    rules of the art. It would me my great pleasure to thank them.

    - Why did you choose Fiori as artist name and did not take your
    Armenian surname?

    PF: Because I ran into the same problem every time: I saw my name
    spelled in extravagant ways. Chouchaian is not that complicated! It
    pained me greatly to see my name crippled. I have not made the decision
    on my own. I went to my father and told him: "You know Fiori, it's
    easier." He said, "Do what you want". He understood me very well.

    From: A. Papazian