Sept 21 2011
'It is ridiculous to compare Azerbaijani army with the Armenian army'.
The statement came from Hasan Oqtay, chairman of the Ankara-based
Caucasus Strategic Studies Center, political expert, while commenting
on a military parade held in Yerevan.
'Participation of Russian military base in the parade once again
shows that this country is under influence of Russia. Voicing slogans
"Independent Armenia", "Russia is not part of Armenia", "No foreign
flags" on groups created on Facebook leads one to a logical view
that Armenia is not able to pursue independent policies and this is
a miserable situation for Armenia,' the expert said.
'Armenia seeks to show its power to Azerbaijan by staging this parade.
It is impossible to win confidence of Armenian society this way. A
country whose population lives in poverty should leads peaceful
policies in order to develop. It is ridiculous to compare Azerbaijani
army with the Armenian army,' the expert added.
Sept 21 2011
'It is ridiculous to compare Azerbaijani army with the Armenian army'.
The statement came from Hasan Oqtay, chairman of the Ankara-based
Caucasus Strategic Studies Center, political expert, while commenting
on a military parade held in Yerevan.
'Participation of Russian military base in the parade once again
shows that this country is under influence of Russia. Voicing slogans
"Independent Armenia", "Russia is not part of Armenia", "No foreign
flags" on groups created on Facebook leads one to a logical view
that Armenia is not able to pursue independent policies and this is
a miserable situation for Armenia,' the expert said.
'Armenia seeks to show its power to Azerbaijan by staging this parade.
It is impossible to win confidence of Armenian society this way. A
country whose population lives in poverty should leads peaceful
policies in order to develop. It is ridiculous to compare Azerbaijani
army with the Armenian army,' the expert added.