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ANKARA: Questions Of No Importance: A Quiz

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  • ANKARA: Questions Of No Importance: A Quiz

    Burak Bekdil - [email protected]

    Hurriyet Daily News
    Sept 22 2011

    Q- Why does Turkey spend around $5 billion every year on new weaponry
    while it strictly adheres to a policy that calls for zero problems
    with its neighbors?

    a) Because it secretly plans to invade Bolivia and, that failing,
    Papua New Guinea.

    b) Because it fears military aggression from Armenia and Georgia.

    c) Because it hopes to liberate al-Quds one day.

    Q- Is there a linkage between Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    ErdoÄ~_anâ~@~Ys perpetual call to major powers in recent years to
    strip Israel of its nuclear capabilities and the ostensibly imminent
    risk of armed conflict between Turkey and Israel?

    a) Probably not.

    b) No.

    c) Certainly not.

    Q- When will Mr. ErdoÄ~_an remember to apply his fiercely
    pro-democracy, pro-Arab Spring rhetoric to countries like Saudi Arabia,
    Qatar and Jordan?

    a) In 2026

    b) In 2036

    c) In 2009 after his scientists have invented the time machine.

    Q- Does Mr. Erdogan think that the ruthless crackdown on Bahrainâ~@~Ys
    Shiite majority by the ruling Sunni leader, Khalifa bin Salman
    al-Khalifa, constitutes oppression of Muslims? Does he believe that
    Mr. al-Khalifaâ~@~Ys rule over the last 31 years constitutes democracy
    and the will of the nation? Can it be called a democracy when the
    countryâ~@~Ys largest opposition party holds just five seats in a
    300-member assembly?

    a) Since when are Shiites Muslims?

    b) 31 years? Oh, time flies!

    c) Five seats? But thatâ~@~Ys too many!

    Q- Whose radar is the NATO radar to be deployed on Turkish soil? Can
    the data from that radar be integrated with data from the similar U.S.

    radar now sitting on Israeli soil? Who is lying, since the Turks say
    the data from the radar on Turkish territory cannot be shared with
    Israel while the Americans say it very well can?

    a) Depends on which audience we are talking to.

    b) Itâ~@~Ys a Muslim radar, so it will automatically refuse to
    integrate data with the Israeli radar.

    c) Muslims donâ~@~Yt lie.

    Q- How much does Mr. Erdogan agree with the top members of the Iranian
    political clergy who argue that Muslim countries should not serve
    NATOâ~@~Ys interests?

    a) It depends on who says that

    b) It depends on who says that and when

    c) It depends on who says that and when and why

    Q- Was Tuesdayâ~@~Ys deadly blast at the heart of Ankara an act
    of terror?

    a) Yes.

    b) Yes.

    c) Yes.

    Q- Who was responsible for the explosion?

    a) Ergenekon

    b) Israel

    c) Ergenekon and Israel

    Q- Why has Hamas fired more than 7,000 rockets and mortars â~@~S
    including 170 rockets just last month â~@~S onto Israeli soil since
    Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005?

    a) For a landmark peace with Israel.

    b) For a landmark piece of Israel.

    c) Muslim donâ~@~Yt fire rockets.

    Q- Were the blasts in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa and elsewhere in
    Israel in previous years acts of terror?

    a) Muslims donâ~@~Yt commit terrorism.

    b) Muslims donâ~@~Yt kill.

    c) Muslims donâ~@~Yt...

    Q- Are Cyprusâ~@~Y ambitions to drill on its southern coast legitimate?

    a) Itâ~@~Ys a provocation!

    b) Weâ~@~Yll freeze our relations with the EU!

    c) Weâ~@~Yll sink the drilling platform!

    Q- Will, then, Turkey take this illegitimate act to The Hague, or to
    the UN?

    a) Well, maybe...

    b) Well, we want zero problems with our neighbors.

    c) There is no state called Cyprus (hint from Mr. ErdoÄ~_an)

    Q- How soon will Turkeyâ~@~Ys emerging alliance with Egypt collapse?

    a) In one year

    b) In two years

    c) When Turkey and Egypt get tired of each other and find new Muslim

    Q- Why did the Abu Nidal peace and charity organization gun down 22
    worshippers at the Neve Shalom synagogue in Istanbul on a Sabbath
    morning in 1986?

    a) For a landmark peace with Israel.

    b) For a landmark piece of Israel.

    c) Muslims donâ~@~Yt gun down worshippers.
