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No Citizenship For You!

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  • No Citizenship For You!

    By Mark Krikorian

    National Review Online
    Sept 22 2011

    I remember an Armenian acquaintance from Syria telling me once how
    unjust it was that the Palestinian refugees in the Middle East (and
    their descendants) were not given citizenship and allowed to integrate
    into the Arab states where they lived: "They even gave us citizenship,
    for heaven's sake," meaning Armenian survivors of the Turk genocide,
    who were neither Arabs nor Muslims.

    That came to mind again when I read that even those Palestinians
    classified as refugees who are living on the West Bank and Gaza would
    not receive citizenship in the phony Palestinian state, if it ever
    comes to fruition. The point is that these people (and their children,
    grandchildren, great-grandchildren, et al.) must remain forever pawns
    in the eternal drive to exterminate Israel.

    Judith Levy, an American immigrant to Israel who wrote the Ricochet
    post I linked to, is frustrated, commenting on the admirable qualities
    of the Palestinian workers building her house and blaming the
    political problem on "a pathologically weak-minded leadership" among
    the Palestinians. I'm afraid that's naive. Palestinian individuals
    have the same range of good and bad characteristics as any other
    large group of people. But the collective Palestinian identity (which
    has developed into a real national identity, despite claims to the
    contrary) necessarily entails the goal of exterminating Israel. After
    all, the Arabs living there had no national identity until Israel
    gave them a reason to have one - to destroy Israel. This is why,
    for instance, the logo of the Palestinian mission to the UN shows
    all the land between the Jordan and the sea as Palestine.

    In fact, I wonder if the Arab public would stand for any effort to give
    citizenship to Palestinian refugees and their descendants. Let's say
    we sprinkle unicorn dust over Syria and Assad is ousted and liberal
    democracy blooms there and the new regime wants to give extend
    Syrian citizenship to long-resident Palestinians, integrating them
    politically - would the Syrian public even stand for that? I think
    Jew-hatred is so deeply rooted in the Arab and broader Islamic world
    that even governments that would want to help end the citizenship
    limbo of Palestinian refugees and their descendants would hesitate,
    fearing popular uprisings and Islamist attack.
