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Stop Blaming Israeli-Palestinian Conflict For Region's Turbulence

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  • Stop Blaming Israeli-Palestinian Conflict For Region's Turbulence

    Evelyn Gordon
    09.23.2011 - 9:30 AM

    With President Barack Obama so far saying and doing all the right
    things at the UN this week, it's depressing to realize his basic
    worldview hasn't changed: He still sees the Israeli-Palestinian
    conflict as the root of all regional troubles. As he said in a
    conference call with American rabbis yesterday, "The most important
    thing we can do to stabilize the strategic situation for Israel is
    if we can actually resolve the Palestinian-Israeli crisis because
    that's what feeds so much of the tumult in Egypt ... That's what
    I think has created the deep tension between Turkey and Israel and
    Turkey has historically been a friend and ally of Israel's."

    Let's start with Turkey. During the last few weeks, Turkish Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to send warships to the
    Mediterranean to challenge Cyprus's plans to drill for undersea gas.

    He threatened to suspend ties with the European Union if Cyprus
    takes up the EU's rotating presidency as scheduled next year. He has
    repeatedly bombed Kurdish areas of Iraq, and threatened to cooperate
    with Iran in a larger-scale operation in Iraq's Qandil mountains. And
    despite his much-ballyhooed peace initiative with Armenia, he not only
    still refuses to apologize for the Armenian genocide Turkey perpetrated
    in the 20th century, but is now demanding Armenia apologize to Turkey.

    So are Turkey's increasingly violent and threatening relations with
    Cyprus, Iraq, Armenia and the EU also due to the Israeli-Palestinian
    conflict? Or is it just possible that the problem - in relations with
    Israel as well - is Erdogan's megalomania and short fuse, which are
    rapidly turning Turkey's vaunted policy of "zero problems" with its
    neighbors into one of "problems with all its neighbors"?

    As for Egypt, consider one revealing recent report: Cairo has just
    banned the export of palm fronds - a vital component of the lulav,
    a ritual object used in the upcoming Jewish holiday of Sukkot - not
    only to Israel, but to Jewish communities worldwide. In previous years,
    Egypt has supplied up to 40 percent of the global demand for lulavim.

    Egypt's economic situation is dire. According to a recent report
    by its central bank, the country had a $9.2 billion balance of
    payments deficit for the fiscal year ending in June; income from
    tourism is down almost 50 percent; foreign investors are fleeing;
    and the Egyptian pound has lost 12 percent against the dollar since
    the revolution began in January. So you'd think Egypt would welcome
    a chance to earn some much-needed foreign currency.

    Instead, it has banned palm frond exports to Jewish communities
    worldwide. So is that, too, due to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

    Or it just possible that the problem - in relations with Israel
    as well - is the rabid anti-Semitism Egyptian politicians and the
    media have inculcated in the public for years? (See here and here
    for some examples.)

    The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is just one factor among many in the
    region's turbulence, and rarely is it the most important one. But it
    seems no amount of evidence will ever convince your average Western
    liberal of that.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress