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Turkey's Moralpolitik: World Leader In Imprisoning Journalists

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  • Turkey's Moralpolitik: World Leader In Imprisoning Journalists

    by Anna Mahjar-Barducci

    Hudson New York
    Sept 23 2011

    Some analysts, under the impression that Turkey is severing relations
    with Israel because Turkey claims that it is its duty is to champion
    "human rights" in the Middle East, have written that Turkey is
    abandoning "realpolitik" for "moralpolitik."

    According to a large number of academics and journalists in the
    Western media, especially in Europe, Turkey has chosen to follow
    a new ethical policy based on moral attitudes. This simplistic and
    naïve interpretation of the Turkish agenda is becoming so that the
    international community fails to denounce human rights abuses in
    Turkey. In Italy, several media sources, such as the newspaper La
    Stampa, wrote that Turkey is an example of democracy to be followed
    in the Middle East, whereas the Washington-based Middle East Institute
    wrote in an article published by Dr. Gonul Tol that Turkey is balancing
    strategic interests with idealism."Turkey views its conduct of foreign
    policy as a balance between diplomacy and hard power to pursue its
    interests, both moral and geopolitical," Tol wrote..

    In April, the International Press Institute released a document stating
    that Turkey has more journalists in prison than any other country
    in the world -- including China and Iran. The report is based on a
    document published by the Organization for Security and Co-operation
    in Europe (OSCE) on Turkey's freedom of press.

    "Fifty-seven journalists are in prison in Turkey and the number of
    ongoing trials that can result in imprisonment of journalists is
    estimated to be from 700 to 1000," said Dunja MijatoviÄ~G, the OSCE
    Representative on Freedom of the Media, who commissioned the study
    after receiving a number of reports about imprisoned journalists.

    The OSCE's report states that most imprisoned journalists are in
    jail based on Articles 5 and 7 of the Anti-Terror Law of Turkey,
    which relate to articles of the Criminal Code on terrorist offences
    and organizations; or assisting members of, or making propaganda in
    connection with, such organizations; as well as Article 314 of Türk
    Ceza Kanunu,the Criminal Code of Turkey on establishing, commanding or
    becoming a member of an armed organization with the aim of committing
    certain offences.

    In most cases, however, as reported by the OSCE terrorism is used
    as a pretext to jail journalists from the opposition, who criticize
    the government. The secular daily Radikal reported in April that
    Aziz Ã~Vzer, the chief executive officer for the monthly culture and
    literature magazine "Güney" (South), had been sentenced to 1.5 years
    in prison because of a short story and a caricature he published that
    were determined to constitute "making propaganda" for the outlawed
    Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK. As reported by the daily Hurriyet,
    the sentence was not suspended. According to the OSCE's report,
    Adanir Bedri, editor in chief of a Kurdiosh publication, is tried
    in relation to 38 books and various published articles. He stands
    accused of "membership to the Kürdistan Ä°Å~_çi Partisi (PKK)
    (Kurdistan Workers' Party)" and "spreading propaganda for an illegal
    organization.", as he published declarations from PKK representatives
    in his newspaper.

    Still, according to the April OSCE's report, the author Berktas Nevin
    is convicted on charges of "propaganda for an illegal organization".

    The charges were based on her book entitled "Difficult places that
    challenge the faith: Prison Cells". The book describes the experience
    of resistance in the prison where she was incarcerated during the
    military coup in 1980. The Armenian website Keghart reports that
    Berktas was convicted and sentenced under Article 7 of the Anti-Terror
    Law (propaganda for an illegal organization). Keghart further reports
    that her lawyer has demonstrated that, due to an administrative error
    in calculating a sentence for other convictions, Berktas has already
    spent almost 6 years too many in prison.

    The OSCE accuses Turkey of silencing journalists with long, unjust
    prison sentences and undemocratic pre-trial detention. As stated
    in the OSCE's report: "The longest conviction is 166 years and the
    longest jail sentence sought for a journalist is 3,000 years. Many
    journalists face double life sentences if convicted, some without
    possibility for parole. Pre-trial detentions are also often very long.

    Journalists are held in prison for up to three years before trial.

    Courts do not tend to implement existing alternative judicial control
    mechanisms instead of arrests. There is concern that arrests and
    long pre-trial detentions without conviction are used as a form of

    Further, OSCE reports that Turkish journalists are often charged with
    several offences, with one journalist facing 150 separate cases. Once
    convicted, journalists are often jailed in F-type high security
    prisons, where they have to serve their time with "the most dangerous
    criminals." The problem in Turkey is that journalists are not allowed
    to do their jobs or report on sensitive issues; those who dare to do so
    are considered criminals by the government. "Writing about sensitive
    issues, including issues of terrorism or anti-government activities,
    is often considered supporting those issues," states the OSCE's report.

    Since the release of the OSCE's report, the numbers of jailed
    journalists has increased. Reporters Without Borders (RWB) is
    increasingly concerned about the freedom of press in Turkey and
    recently complained, especially about the way the Turkish authorities
    continue to treat two of the country's leading investigative
    journalists, Ahmet Sik and Nedim Sener, held since March 3, and who
    have just completed their sixth month in prison on trumped-up terrorism
    charges. "These two journalists have already been detained without
    any justification for six months and the trial has not even started,"
    RWB said. "Each day they spend in prison is an outrage that sullies
    the image of Turkish democracy. Although the judicial authorities keep
    delaying the start of their trial, it is vital that they are released
    conditionally at the first hearing. It will signal that the Turkish
    courts are part of Turkish society's move towards more democracy."

    Ahmet Sik and Nedim Sener are both vocal critics of the AKP party. The
    OSCE reports that Sik wrote a book that has not yet been published.

    The manuscript is called "İmamın Ordusu" (The Imam's Army) and is
    about the transformation of the police institution in Turkey and
    the impact of the influential Islamic Gulen movement, lead by the
    Pennsylvania-based Imam Fethullah Gulen, within this body. His home
    in Istanbul and his office at Ä°stanbul Bilgi Universitesi have been
    searched by police. Hard discs, pictures and CD's have been seized by
    police. RWB says that Not content with preventing its publication and
    throwing the author Sik to jail, "the Turkish judicial authorities
    searched the three locations where it was thought the draft copy
    might be found and ordered anyone who might still be in possession
    of it to hand it over to the authorities or face criminal charges".

    The OSCE reports that Nedim Sener instead wrote two books on the
    murder of the Turkish Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, criticizing
    the government of the lack of transparency in the investigation. He
    is facing various charges in several cases. On March 3, 2011, police
    searched his home and seized many materials, leading to his arrest,
    allegedly in relation to "Ergenekon membership". The Institute for
    Free Press (IFP) awarded Sener with the title of World Press Freedom
    Hero. The IFP writes that Sener his book uncovered the involvement of
    Turkish security agencies in Dink's killing outside of the Armenian
    weekly Agos newspaper's office in January 2007. His book led to
    the filing of charges by several senior police and security service

    RWB also stated that after three days in police custody, Sik and
    Sener were transferred to prison on March 6 together other colleagues.

    "Their arrests and the absurd charges that ensued triggered a wave
    of protests in Turkey and abroad and became the symbol of both
    the judicial system's paranoid attitude towards the media and the
    widespread use of pre-trial detention", RWB claimed, adding that
    Turkish journalists are victims of the government's paranoia towards
    media coverage: "The journalists are paying for their critical coverage
    of an extremely sensitive subject, an alleged clandestine network of
    secularist military officers and ultra-nationalists known Ergenekon
    that is supposed to have plotted a coup against the pro-Islamic
    AKP government. The arrest of alleged military conspirators in 2007
    was initially hailed as a victory for democracy but the conspiracy
    allegations have since been seen as pretext for a witch-hunt within
    opposition sectors."

    The Turkish government denies limiting freedom of press, and claims
    instead that the imprisonment of most of the convicts has nothing to
    do with their journalistic activities. The Justice Ministry argued
    that certain non-governmental organizations have published various
    numbers about imprisoned journalists that were not based on "healthy

    As mentioned by RWB in a long and detailed report on freedom of the
    press in Turkey, however, reporting about certain topics is still
    routinely punished by the Turkish courts. Time magazine reports that
    "the government's 'you're either with us or against us' attitude has
    created a palpable sense of repression in the press, particularly
    since media and business interests are closely linked. The main
    government-critical news group, Dogan, was slapped with 4.8 billion
    lira ($3.05 billion) in tax fines in 2009 after a row with the
    government over corruption allegations involving members of the AKP
    party. [â~@¦] Reporters worry that they might lose their press card or
    be banned from further meetings. Erdogan has personally sued dozens of
    cartoonists and journalists for defamation. Under his administration,
    thousands of websites have been shut down at times, including YouTube,
    Vimeo and Blogger".

    The international community should immediately place media freedom
    and human rights at the center of its relation with Turkey.

    Arne König, President of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ),
    said that there should be more information in the West on what it is
    happening in Turkey. He expressed concern that Turkey is not as much
    under pressure from the outside world a much as it used to be in the
    past. In his opinion, the member states of the European Union have
    been manipulative in terms of press freedom. König also said that the
    imprisonment of journalists has shown a lack of democracy in Turkey,
    and that there is a long way to go before democracy will be enacted.

    This lack of democracy, however, is apparently the kind of
    "moralpolitik" that the Turkish government seems proud to pursue in
    its policy, and that the media seem content to let it entrench.
