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A Foreign Perception of Foreign Policy: The EU through Armenian Eyes

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  • A Foreign Perception of Foreign Policy: The EU through Armenian Eyes

    A Foreign Perception of Foreign Policy: The EU through Armenian Eyes

    22:41, September 24, 2011

    Hrant Kostanyan
    Fellow, Policy Forum Armenia

    The European Union's (EU) nature generally, and its `actorness' in the
    Eastern neighborhood particularly, are often misunderstood by a large
    proportion of Armenian policy makers, the expert community,
    journalists and the general public. Both `traditional' and online
    media further contribute to this misapprehension by interviewing
    incompetent analysts in both Brussels and Yerevan. The scope of this
    commentary does not permit the unveiling what the EU is or what it
    might do in Armenia and in the region at large. Rather, I aim to
    counter some existing myths about the EU that are circulating in
    Armenia, while reaffirming that increased interest in the EU enhances
    `socialization' and encourages the further `Europeanization' of
    Armenian society.

    The major source of confusion about the EU is related to the
    distribution of formal and informal competences. To identify who is
    responsible for what in the EU external action's conceptualization and
    implementation is as complex as loosening `the Gordian Knot.' Who
    holds the power of shaping and making decisions? Which decision-making
    procedure is applicable? Who has the informational advantage or right
    of (exclusive) initiative? To varying degrees, inter alia the European
    Council, the Council of the EU, the Rotating Presidency, the European
    External Action Service (EEAS), the European Commission, and the
    European Parliament are all involved in EU external action.

    Moreover, with each issue area, e.g. the Common Foreign and Security
    Policy (CFSP), trade, migration, energy and aid, the distribution of
    power within the EU shifts from one actor to another. Furthermore,
    when faced with `cross-policy' issues, conducting the EU external
    action becomes even more complex since it threatens to open up a
    `Pandora's box' of various actors' competences. The competition or
    `turf wars' among involved actors further complicate the analysis. In
    addition, since the enactment of the Treaty of Lisbon (2009) and the
    establishment of the EEAS (2010), the EU is undergoing unprecedented
    transformation, which has led to further uncertainties in policy
    making that are expected to continue for years to come.

    I tend to think that the lack of knowledge about these important
    dynamics accounts for why a resolution of the European Parliament
    concerning the South Caucasus is interpreted in Armenian media as a
    roadmap for the EU's foreign policy. Although any resolution coming
    from the European Parliament is very important in terms of shining a
    spotlight on an issue, the Parliament has very limited formal
    competences in the CFSP. On the other hand, the European Parliament
    has been successful in strengthening its voice and pressuring the EU
    member states and institutions, inter alia through the use of
    mechanisms such as budgetary power (subject to co-decision) or putting
    questions to the EU foreign policy chief. Although the powers of the
    European Parliament are expected to increase, its current influence
    should not be overstated.

    The roles of the European Commission in general, and of Åtefan Füle,
    the Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, in
    particular, are also often misrepresented. The European Commission
    remains a major actor in areas such as trade, aid and migration.
    However, in the current EU institutional architecture, the European
    Commission shares these responsibilities (except for trade) with the
    EEAS at the EU level and with the member states at the national level.
    For example, the European Commission currently does not have a
    Director-General (DG) for neighbourhood policy, which includes
    Armenia. Further, the Commissioner responsible for neighbourhood
    policy is assisted by the EEAS in this area. Moreover, with the
    enactment of the Lisbon Treaty, the Commission delegations became EU
    delegations, which has implications for the power distribution in the
    EU that are yet to be understood.

    The EEAS is the most recent EU institutional innovation and is very
    much still in the making. Besides taking over several functions that
    were formerly carried out by the European Commission and the General
    Secretariat of the Council (GSC), and hosting national diplomats, the
    EEAS has also assumed the role of EU external representation in CFSP
    matters that was previously performed by the Rotating Presidency. This
    allows the EU to formulate a long-term policy.

    Although the EEAS is supposed to become the epicenter of the EU
    foreign policy making, the service and its head, Catherine Ashton, are
    facing serious challenges. It is widely known that she and the EEAS
    act in the CFSP area after consulting the EU member state governments,
    which closely monitor sensitive and politicized issues in particular.
    EU foreign policy remains an intergovernmental affair, and decisions
    are mainly taken by unanimity. This means that in this issue area, the
    EU will act in Armenia, in the South Caucasus or elsewhere only when
    there is a consensus among all 27 EU member states.

    The misrepresentation in the press is also related to Armenia's
    contractual relationship with the EU. The Partnership and Cooperation
    Agreement (PCA) is the basis for the EU's bilateral relationship with
    Armenia and not the basis for the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP)
    and the Eastern Partnership. These are mainly multilateral frameworks
    of cooperation. This is why Belarus is included in both the ENP and
    the Eastern Partnership without ratification of the PCA. Moreover, the
    negotiations of the Association Agreement between the EU and Armenia
    are ongoing and the negotiations for the Deep and Comprehensive Free
    Trade Area (DCFTA) are set to follow that of the Association
    Agreement. However, it will take years before Armenia meets the
    preconditions to even begin the negotiations for DCFTA. Among all 6
    Eastern Partnership countries, only Ukraine is close to signing the
    agreements. The next in line for negotiations are Moldova and possibly

    Those unjustifiably raising expectations among the Armenian public
    should understand that the DG Trade of the European Commission, which
    is responsible for negotiations, is trying to postpone starting DCFTA
    negotiations with the rest of the Eastern Partnership countries. These
    negotiations require a lot of time and resources, and countries like
    Armenia are `insignificant' for the EU in terms of trade. Moreover,
    for decades there has been tension between the EU institutions
    responsible for the political side of external policies and trade.
    These tensions are aggravated now by the recent institutional changes,
    which are expected to further slow down the process.

    More importantly, an analyst recently went so far as to suggest that
    the OCSE Minsk Group will leave the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process
    after the signing the Madrid Principles, adding that in the face of
    Russia's failure to find a solution to the conflict, the EU will take
    over the peace process. Those making such claims should understand
    that Russia is there to stay and the Madrid Principles might not be
    signed for years to come. Even suggestions that the EU might replace
    France in the Minsk Group are not expected to materialize. Those
    presenting the EU's `takeover' of peacekeeping operations in
    Nagorno-Karabakh as a pragmatic option must also understand that the
    EU does not have an army and that peacekeeping contributions are
    voluntarily made by the EU member states. The member states have
    limited resources, lack necessary interest, are reluctant to operate
    in the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) framework, and are
    currently stretched thin due to other ongoing obligations.

    A few weeks ago, I listened to an analyst on television who is
    considered to be a leading expert in EU affairs in Armenia, describing
    the capabilities of the EU `rapid reaction force' to the public and
    why and how it can assume peacekeeping operations in Nagorno-Karabakh.
    I was amazed that the expert neglected to mention that the EU `rapid
    reaction force,' both in the form of `Headline goals' or the
    `Battlegroup concept,' have never actually been deployed, yet he
    presented it as a feasible option for Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The expectations of the Armenian public have also been unjustifiably
    raised regarding the upcoming Eastern Partnership Summit. Before the
    summer holidays, I was present at the conference about preparations of
    the summit where the panel included Åtefan Füle and RadosÅ?aw Sikorski.
    Armenia was mentioned only once while naming the Eastern Partnership
    countries. It is my understanding that the summit will focus mainly on
    Ukraine, which is the only country that could be presented as a
    success story, considering that it may sign an Association Agreement
    with the DCFTA.

    The majority of those analyzing EU policies towards Armenia should
    certainly revisit their methodology. There is a large gap between
    rhetoric and reality in EU foreign policy, and overreliance on EU
    documents, statements or demarches often makes their assessments
    incorrect. The EU is constantly upgrading the language of its external
    policies, but the substance of these policies rarely changes
    drastically, thus causing the `expectations-capability gap.'

    Finally, the EU is currently preoccupied with the economic crisis and
    the large debt of some member states; a crisis that threatens the very
    existence of the monetary union. In the field of foreign policy, given
    the turmoil in North Africa and the Arab world, it is expected that
    the EU will continue to focus considerable resources and energy on its
    Southern neighborhood for years to come. There will therefore be some
    increase in the EU's activities in its Eastern neighborhood but one
    should not expect a revolution.

    Hrant Kostanyan is a visiting fellow at the Centre for European Policy
    Studies (CEPS), an expert at the European Neighbourhood Policy
    Instrument (ENPI) Info Centre and a PhD candidate in political science
    (EU studies) at Ghent University, Belgium.
