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SDHP Chairman: We Genuinely Need to Change the System in Armenia

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  • SDHP Chairman: We Genuinely Need to Change the System in Armenia

    SDHP Chairman: We Genuinely Need to Change the System in Armenia

    24.09.2011 | 10:45 | | Noyan Tapan | Press of Diaspora

    (Noyan Tapan - 24.09.2011), September 23rd- On September 20, the Pan-Armenian
    Forum for Heads and Representatives of Diaspora Armenian Organizations
    ended with a press conference at Karen Demirchyan Sport-Concert
    Complex in Yerevan.

    The forum kicked off on Monday, September 19, in coordination with the
    Republic of Armenia's 20th anniversary. It brought together more than
    550 people from Armenian communities in 46 countries of the world. In
    his opening remarks President Sarkisian said that the gathering
    symbolized `the might of the 10-million-strong Armenian nation' and
    that `that power has solved numerous pan-Armenian problems.'

    The following is the translated speech of the Chairman of the Social
    Democrat Hunchakian Party Central Committee; Mr.Setrak Ajemian.

    Dear Presidents of Armenia and Artsakh,

    His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians,

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    As the worldwide Social Democrat Hunchakian Party's Central Committee
    Chairman, it is a great honor to be present and address the Armenia
    Diaspora conference dedicated to the 20-year anniversary of our
    Motherland's independence. An independence for which we waited and
    dreamt for. An independence in the course of which we have sacrificed
    many, and an independence we will sacredly cherish for its
    indisputable value, yet, an independence whose longevity we still
    struggle for. A struggle for which we have yet to combat thousands of
    challenges, which we can confidently say, we have readily accepted the
    challenge and will resolve. For our people; who went on millennia
    without an independent homeland and the establishment of a sovereign
    state with its own army, having won a war imposed on us... is a new
    phenomenon; phenomenon which many nation states do not have the
    privilege to be proud of.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    During these 20 years of Independence we have had tremendous
    successes. Within these same years, we have also had both objective
    and subjective difficulties, as well as deficiencies. A 20-year-old
    youth, and indeed our independence is at a young age, has the right to
    have deficiencies, but these deficiencies with age should not
    increase, but rather be treated, and eventually fade away so that
    together we have the Armenia for which we have struggled many years

    After a devastating earthquake, winning an imposed war and
    establishing an independent Armenia and Artsakh is not easy. There are
    very few countries in the world which have established their
    independence in such difficult conditions that which Armenia and
    Artsakh were faced with. Despite these difficulties, we triumphed;
    nevertheless our triumph can be greater, once we strengthen our
    victories in the international arena.

    Today, many have already spoken in regards to the Nagorno-Karabakh
    issue. It's clear that every single Armenian desires only one thing:
    the international recognition of independent Artsakh so that
    Artsakhsis have sovereignty of their own lands and build a future
    without fear of hostility. The Hunchakian party believes that there
    are tribulations facing Armenians which require an effort of national
    unity and energy. The Artsakh issue is not only for Artsakhsis but an
    issue for all Armenians, the preservation of Diaspora Armenians is not
    only an issue for the Diasporans but an issue for all Armenians.
    Armenia's social and economic well-being is not just for those living
    in Armenia but an issue for all Armenians.

    Today, here in the Armenia Diaspora conference, we all come to work,
    to find solutions to the challenges facing our nation, and these
    solutions and the work needed to ascertain them necessitate a clear
    and straightforward understanding of the problems. not just goodwill
    speeches. Therefore, on behalf of the Social Democrat Hunchakian
    Party, I am compelled to bring to light and consider a few issues
    about which I am sure we are all concerned. The 20 year old system of
    governance has shown us that it is a system which has not been able to
    resolve the vital civil issues facing the nation and we genuinely need
    to change the system we have in Armenia.

    Today, for Armenia, social justice and economic tension between the
    classes are of vital importance. The emigration from Armenia that
    started in 1991, not only failed to halt in the last twenty years, but
    continued to maintain its massive footing. This disturbs us all; both
    the authorities of Armenia and organizational structures in the
    Diaspora. It is not a secret that people will migrate from their
    native land because of social difficulties, because they could not
    earn their daily bread through the sweat of their hard labor in the

    The global economic crisis and the response by the Armenian
    authorities to combat this crisis is understandable, but these factors
    only explain the current economic difficulties and disregard the
    economic monopolies and monopolizers who are also active in the
    political arena. This is not acceptable. When the prevailing economic
    and political elite of the state are one and the same, the ordinary
    citizens of the Republic are wronged. This is an important issue that
    must be addressed for the reasonable economic development of Armenia.

    Day by day, the center of Yerevan continues to be developed, whereas,
    the border regions outisde of Yerevan are continuously ignored. This
    is an important issue which we have tried to exemplify by urging many
    Diasporans to move towards and invest in the differing regions of
    Armenia. For its part however, the government, in turn, should
    additionally initiate the improvement of the industrial, agriculture,
    and tourism sectors of these regions.

    The economic difficulties will remain secondary when compared to the
    deplorable situation which is the lack of equality before the law;
    where you have one segment of society monopolizing against the
    remaining segment of simple, hard working individuals who live in
    arbitrary conditions of corruption in private industries, as well as
    the public sector. We welcome the President's announced reforms to
    tackle this vicious phenomenon within the country, but we do believe
    that much more is needed to truly rectify the situation.

    Dear friends,

    In our opinion, the primary issue for the Diaspora, is and will
    remain, the issue of preservation of the Armenian identity. Within
    this conference, it is noted that the Armenian government is committed
    to participating in activities preserving the Armenian identity. We
    welcome this responsible position and we hope that such a proposition
    does not remain on paper, but rather becomes tangible reform in daily
    activities and concerns.

    As is affirmed within this conferences, the most important aspect of
    preserving the Armenian identity is keeping the Armenian youth
    Armenian. In this respect, Armenia has advanced with various
    initiatives for Diasporan youth the «Ari Doun» (Come Home) program,
    summer camps, the Pan-Armenian games, and others are welcomed. We
    support and desire the further establishment of similar programs, and
    the expansion of existing programs.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    A few months ago, within the French National Assembly, I had the
    opportunity to partake in the conference on `Peace and Security in the
    Caucasus' organized by the S.D.H.P. I addressed the need for the
    creation of a pan-Armenian body to combat the problems we face. We are
    pleased, through the initiative of the Armenian government, to
    announce the establishment of a pan Armenian body for the 100th
    anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. As representatives of the
    Armenian people, we will discuss the issues of the Armenian Genocide
    and reparations at one table.

    Ladies and gentlemen, we salute the Armenia-Diaspora conference and
    wish all the organizers and participants much success.
