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Iran, regional countries can ensure Persian Gulf's security - Ahmadi

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  • Iran, regional countries can ensure Persian Gulf's security - Ahmadi

    Islamic Republic News Agency
    Sept 24 2011

    Iran, regional countries can ensure Persian Gulf's security - president

    New York, 24September, IRNA: Islamic Republic of Iran [IRI] president
    said in a press conference on 4th day of his working visit of New
    York, "If US, Britain and NATO would depart Persian Gulf and Oman Sea,
    Iran, along with other regional countries would be able to ensure
    security of both energy and the region."

    To complete the story According to IRNA, President Mahmud Ahmadinezhad
    added in his interview with the world media representatives, "On
    pretext of ensuring the security of energy and the region some
    countries are now present in the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea region.
    We hereby announce that if NATO and the United States would get out of
    the region the regional countries would ensure the security of the

    The AFP reporter asked, "If Israel and the Palestinians would reach
    agreement on the establishment of an independent Palestinian
    government, would Iran recognize the legitimacy of such a decision?"
    President Ahmadinezhad said, "The Zionist regime's issue is a subject
    [an issue] and the legitimacy of the Palestinians' demand for being
    recognized as an independent country is a different issue. We have
    always supported the Palestinian nation, and we support them today,

    The New York Times reporter asked the reason why Iran has constructed
    its nuclear facilities underground. The president replied, "Every
    country constructs its nuclear facilities in secure places for
    security reasons." He reiterated, "Every country has the right to have
    enrichment facilities, and the right to choose the place for its

    When an Egyptian reporter asked Ahmadinezhad about more serious
    efforts made by Tehran and Cairo for elevation of relations in this
    post-Mubarak era, President Ahmadinezhad confirmed the existence of
    connections between the two countries' officials. He said that the
    relations between the Iranian and the Egyptian nations are both
    historic and deep-rooted, adding, "We believe the political relations
    should be a reflection of the peoples' ties [contact]." Ahmadinezhad
    said, "Previously, the obstacle in the way and the source for pressure
    used to be the United States. Now the head of the government is gone,
    but there has still been no election, nor a government based on the
    people's votes. We are waiting for the establishment of a government
    based on the Egyptian people's votes, after which we would continue
    our efforts."

    The Itar-Tass reporter said that his country's foreign minister has
    announced that Russia is commissioned to construct another nuclear
    reactor in Iran, asking President Ahmadinezhad's idea about the
    perspective of Tehran-Moscow cooperation. Ahmadinezhad said, "We have
    in our planning predicted production of 20,000 MW of nuclear
    electricity. The Russian companies would produce 1,000 MW, and there
    remain 19,000 more MW to be produced." He added, "Negotiations are
    underway so that the Russian firms would provide another portion of
    that amount. This is of course a general proposal. Our relations with
    Russia are based on neighbourhood. The neighbours must be friends and
    the two sides are trying to plan for strategic cooperation."

    The Corriere della Sera reporter asked President Ahmadinezhad about
    the United Nations' role in solving the Middle East crises. The
    Iranian president replied, "The UN Security Council [UNSC] has not
    performed its duties properly, which is due to the structural problems
    in its apparatus." He emphasized, "The Security Council is at the
    disposal of the United States and a few European countries. We have no
    hope that the UNSC would make a move in defence of the nations' rights
    either. That is because it is incapable of defending." The president
    meanwhile said, "We have always announced that freedom, justice, and
    freedom to choose are the nations' rights, and supported their rights
    in these regards. We believe these rights cannot be secured relying on
    NATO bombs and missiles, or on the interference of the aliens."

    Elsewhere in his address the IRI president said that the regional
    uprisings are against the dictators that are, or were supported by the
    West, adding, "Some people claim that they are managing these
    uprisings!" He reiterated, "In the United States they claim this is
    the change we had promised, which is an interesting point!"
    Ahmadinezhad added, "The nations are fed up with many years of being
    humiliated and looted by the West. Sooner or later the entire nations
    would be set free." Pointing out that a great wave is ahead, he
    predicted, "This wave would engulf Europe and the United States, as
    well, and is unrelated to the North African countries, the Arabs, or
    the non-Arabs. The entire humankind is in pursuit of freedom and

    The Bloomberg reporter asked, "Are you ready for negotiation over
    Iran's 20 per cent enrichment?" The IRI president reiterated, "We have
    always been favouring negotiations based on the laws, respect, and
    justice, and so are we today." He said, "We replied to [EU foreign
    policy chief] Ms. Ashton, too, informing her about our readiness. Our
    foreign minister had a meeting with her yesterday and informed Ms.
    Ashton of our stand in this respect." Ahmadinezhad added, "In this
    historic era of ours the only solution is negotiation. There is no
    other solution but sticking to the laws and sound logic. We have no
    problem with holding talks and we are ready for holding talks at any

    The Islamic Republic of Iran News Network (IRINN) reporter said, "The
    US Administration has announced that it will veto the Palestinian
    President's demand for the establishment of a Palestinian country.
    What is your proposal to the Palestinian people?" Ahmadinezhad
    replied, "There are some people who wish to wipe the Palestinian
    nation off the world map. The ugliest crimes have been committed
    against the Palestinian nation and over five million of them were once
    buried under the roofs of their own homes." He added, "Maybe talks
    about veto would not be the case. If the US administration would
    really do so, it would be confirming the oppressor nature of the UN
    Security Council and that the UNSC is incapable of defending the
    nations' rights."

    The CNN TV reporter asked President Ahmadinezhad about his moves in
    the remainder of his tenure as the IRI president. The Iranian
    president replied, "The best thing to do is to keep on serving the
    great Iranian nation." He added, "Great tasks were performed during
    these two terms. Iran was turned into a nuclear country. Iran was
    turned into country with access to the borderless space. The speed of
    Iran's scientific growth reached the topmost rate in the world. In
    nanotechnology and biotechnology great achievements were made."
    Ahmadinezhad pointed out that great investments have been made in
    industrial and mining fields, reiterating, "More important than them,
    though, there was regulating the president's relation with the
    people." He said that the president is no more than a servant of the
    people, by the side of the people, and for the people, adding, "This
    is an index that was recorded in the Iranian history. The president
    must also be in love with the people."

    The Newsweek reporter asked, "In Western capitals there is the
    question on who decides over the nuclear issue in Iran? Is it you, or
    the leader?' Ahmadinezhad reiterated, "What difference does it make
    for the Western countries? Our nuclear stands are quite clear. It is
    also obvious that the government is regulating the foreign policy."
    President Ahmadinezhad added, "Our constitution is crystal clear. We
    have three branches of the power and the status of the leader, too, is
    quite clear. The important point is that Iran turned nuclear and the
    sanctions and pressures, too, created no obstacle in the way of Iran's
    advancement." The president reiterated, "Of course the main decision
    maker in Iran is the nation. The leader and the government, too,
    pursue the decisions and viewpoints of the nation."

    The reporter of Miami Herald referring to the ongoing tensions between
    the Ankara and the Damascus governments, asked, "Is Iran committed to
    block the path for an invasion against Syria?" The president
    emphasized, "Reforms are needed in many European, American, and some
    Middle East countries. These reforms must be conducted by the nations
    and amid an atmosphere of friendship and peace." He pointed out that
    the interference of the aliens would not by any means contribute to
    solving the problems, and would only lead to further complication of
    the situation, adding, "We have the example of NATO'S interference in
    Afghanistan before us. "On the first day many people celebrated. But
    10 years on, we notice that the Afghan nation and government are
    seriously unsatisfied with the presence of the aliens. The situation
    is quite hopeless in Afghanistan. There is no security and the people
    do not enjoy freedom. The independence of Afghanistan, too, is at
    stake. The president emphasized that "No one must interfere in the
    affairs of the others", reiterating, "We have good relations with
    Turkey. Our general suggestion is that no one should try to interfere
    in the affairs of the others'."

    The Reuters' reporter said, "What is your suggestion to the Syrian
    Government for stopping harsh encounters with the Syrian nation?"
    Ahmadinezhad said, "The others should stop interfering so that the
    governments and the nations would solve their problems through
    negotiations. We condemn getting killed of anyone, whether they are
    from among the government forces, or from among the opposition.
    Getting killed of the people does not help towards finding solutions
    to the problems."

    The last question in the Press Conference of the president of the
    Islamic Republic of Iran was made by an Armenian reporter who asked
    about the status of the Armenians residing in Iran and the Tehran
    Government's viewpoint on granting the status of autonomy to the
    people of Karabakh. Ahmadinezhad said, "Different peoples live in Iran
    and they enjoy equal rights. The Armenians, too, live quite at ease in
    Iran and despite their small minority they have a number of
    representatives at the Iranian National Islamic Parliament." The
    president also said that Tehran's relations with both Baku and Yerevan
    are good, adding, "Our suggestion is that the two countries of
    Azerbaijan and Armenia should sit at the negotiation table and solve
    the problems based on justice." He reiterated, "If this measure would
    be observed no problem would remain unsolved."
