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End of Ideology of Ardzinba Featured

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  • End of Ideology of Ardzinba Featured
    Sept 25 2011

    End of Ideology of Ardzinba Featured

    Written by Irakli Tskitishvili

    On August 26th extraordinary "presidential" elections were held in
    occupied Abkhazia. These elections were caused by the death of leader
    of the puppet regime Sergei Bagapsh, in which, according to available
    information, the hand of Russia is clearly seen. The population of
    Abkhazia, which in summer is usually focused on resort problems, had
    to engage in political battles. Three candidates aspired to the post
    of leader - Alexander Ankvab, who after the death of Bagapsh performed
    his duties, Sergey Shamba, head of the puppet government and
    opposition candidate Raul Khajimba, who did not quite got to becoming
    the "president" in 2004. This year, as it is already known, the chair
    of "president" of Abkhazia will be taken by Alexander Ankvab.

    Two out of these three candidates came to the elections from the
    government. Therefore, probability of use of administrative resources
    in these elections was quite high. The third candidate (Khajimba) had
    long been in opposition, had a stable number of voters, was considered
    the successor of the ideology of Ardzinba and came from nationalist
    positions. Interest towards the elections was caused by one thing -
    what ideology, what values would win and what demands the Abkhazian
    society had. There are no two opinions about the fact that the
    elections were illegitimate and it was carried out without
    participation of the population that were expelled as a result of the
    ethnic cleansing. There was no doubt that whoever would win, the
    prospect of warming of the Georgian-Abkhazian relations would not
    increase, because all candidates were coming from the pro-Russian
    positions, they could not see Abkhazia without Russia and spoke only
    of "good-neighbourly" relations with Tbilisi.

    At the beginning of the election race Sergei Shamba and Alexander
    Ankvab had pretty good positions. We also note that compared to 2004
    Khajimba had significantly lost poisitons. He has almost no chance of
    winning. With regards to him the interesting thing was whether he
    retained his contingent of his supporters or not. At the same time
    Khajimba was interesting because if it was to be the second round of
    elections his supporters could have decided the fate of the election.

    Shamba began her campaign quite actively. First, he waited 40 days to
    pass from the death of Bagapsh and only then began his official
    campaign. This should have had a positive effect on his image. After
    that, choosing the right strategy Shamba began to hold meetings with
    groups that would guarantee him victory. Such group was primarily
    considered to be Armenian population of Abkhazia, as Georgians,
    compared to 2004, had limited resources to support any candidate. We
    should remind that since it was Georgian votes that decided the fate
    of the election in 2004, it was decided to limit their participation
    in elections by allowing to take part in the elections only that part
    that had "Abkhazian passports." And such people were only around 8000
    in the Gali district. Thus their votes could not have become decisive.

    Neither Ankvab sat around idly. Despite the fact that he had
    administrative resources that would have been definitely used by him
    his team actively held meetings with voters. His rivals were spreading
    rumours that allegedly members of his team were paying voters for
    their votes; however there was no determined information on this
    point. Ankvab did not disregard Georgian population of the Gali
    district. During campaigning there headquarters of Ankvab urged
    Georgians to get "Abkhazian passports" as quickly as possible to have
    opportunity to take part in determining the path of future development
    of Abkhazia. It should be noted that other candidates also encouraged
    Georgians to obtain passports and that to a large extent determined
    the victory of Ankvab.

    At the starting position chances of Shamba looked more solid.
    Moreover, his team was pursuing an aggressive to a certain extent
    campaign. By early August few doubted that Shamba would win. But ...
    he, his team and his Moscow lobbyists made serious mistakes resulting
    in solid victory of Ankvab.

    Russian Moskovskaya Pravda interview with former Georgian Defense
    Minister Tengiz Kitovani in which he accused Ankvab of cooperation
    with the Georgian special services during the war of 1992-1993 was
    like a strike of thunder for the Abkhazian society. The purpose of the
    spread of this propagandistic material is clear. It aimed at dealing a
    serious blow to the image of Shamba's main rival, at setting people
    against him, or even completely eliminating him from the campaign
    after which chances of Shamba would have doubled. In any case, by
    recalling the past the Shamba team tried to play "Georgian card"
    against Ankvab where name of Vladislav Ardzinba was used. As it is
    known Ankvab and Ardzinba had disagreements in connection with the war
    period. That was the question the Shamba team decided to raise anew.
    It should be also noted that Shamba cannot be altogether blamed for
    starting this smear campaign. Or rather, it looks more like a style of
    those Russian lobbyists, who were behind the Shamba team and who were
    willing to go to any lengths for Shamba to win. As some noted it was
    the same lobbying group that "sunk" Raul Khajimba in 2004 - brothers
    Kolesnikov and PR group of Beslan Butba. Russian publications such as
    the Moskovsky Komsomolets and its journalist, propagandist Marina
    Perevozkina who was awarded with a medal by Eduard Kokoity, emerged as
    defenders of interests of Shamba.

    Dirty methods of political struggle provoked a backlash. Abkhazian
    society deemed playing the "Georgian card" unacceptable. It condemned
    Shamba's tricks and accused him of running the dirty campaign.
    Besides, it was not just an expression of dissatisfaction of society.
    Answers were demanded of Shamba. Members of the old and the new
    convocation of the parliament summoned all three candidates and
    demanded answers from them for those processes that have caused
    tension in the society. It was Shamba who was having the worst time.
    It was his team that picked up the statement of Kitovani, gathered
    veterans that lived in different parts of Abkhazia in the centre of
    Sukhumi and publicly showed interview of the former Georgian minister
    directed against Ankvab. Shamba had to justify himself and say that he
    did not do it and it was the doing of his team. This was followed by
    fair question of parliamentarian Irina Agrba that if he could not
    control his staff, how he would control the entire country. After the
    meeting it became known that Shamba confessed with regards to the
    Kitovani statement: "It was an order, but it did not come from
    Sukhumi." Given this, it became clear that the Shamba campaign was
    controlled from Moscow. Since one of the PR managers of his team was
    one of the brothers Kolesnikov, it seems that his team also was
    controlled from Moscow. Accordingly, all this mud throwing which was
    used by the Shamba team was work of those people who are not familiar
    with the Abkhazian mentality, who do not understand Abkhazian reality
    and acted upon their usual dirty methods accepted in Russian reality.
    Because of this, many have turned away from Sergei Shamba. It should
    be noted that statements in support of Ankvab were made by "grandees"
    of the Abkhazian deputation - Socrat Jinjolia, Stanislav Lakoba, Oleg
    Damenia, Leonid Lakerbaya and a number of well-known names. And
    although some members of the parliament (old and new convocation)
    supported Khajimba, none of them supported Shamba.

    One of the mistakes of Sergei Shamba was that he lost support of the
    former ruling party of Abkhazia the Edynaya Abkhazia Party.
    Originally, this party was seen as a supporter of Shamba. Information
    was coming from behind the scene that they have already reached an
    agreement among them but suddenly the party supported Ankvab. It was
    the first bomb in the election campaign. The second one was support of
    the organization of Abkhazian veterans "Amtsakhara" of direct
    competitor of Shamba - Ankvab. Although this fact is less surprising
    since "Amtsakhara" was a force that, to some extent and along with the
    Georgian factor, ensured the victory of Sergei Bagapsh in the previous
    elections. But Bagapsh's victory was achieved due to the image of
    Ankvab and his efforts. Accordingly, it is not at all surprising that
    "Amtsakhara" remained loyal to Ankvab. We can consider erroneous
    manipulation of figures on the part of Shamba (as though he was
    supported by 47.7 % of population) and his threats of revolution if he
    was to lose the elections. The population of Abkhazia is fed up with
    revolutions and this statement caused great dissatisfaction among

    Another major mistake made by Shamba in his campaign was a statement
    that was as follows: when I come, I will remove all officials. Thus he
    forced all officials to use administrative resources or various other
    methods to retain their positions. We emphasize that while Shamba
    maintained that the only threat coming from his main rival was that he
    could use administrative resource, his statement was a huge mistake.
    And though later Shamba said that he made the statement not
    accidentally, but deliberately to refuse administrative resources,
    it's more like a lie. Otherwise, it is not clear what Shamba expected
    in the elections. Russian and pro-Russian population of Abkhazia was
    considered as his supporters. He was supported by an organization such
    as "Officers of Russia." He was also supported by Cossacks, but later
    it became known that the statement was false and the union of Cossacks
    of Russia denied that they supported Shamba. Armenian community, with
    the exception of some of their leaders, who worked directly in the
    Shamba camp, expressed support for Ankvab. The most surprising thing
    was that there was not one veteran organization that would support
    Shamba, who during the war served as "deputy defence minister," and
    who was head of the ideological hotbed of Abkhazian separatism
    "Aidgilara." he only got support of around a hundred Abkhazian
    veterans. Then what did he hope for? Only Russia's support? Two weeks
    before the election, the election situation in Abkhazia changed
    dramatically and in the last few days it became clear that Shamba had
    no support.

    Raul Khajimba, as we have already noted, got "his" 20% and, in
    principle, should be pleased with this. His election campaign was not
    very grand and it was overshadowed by the Shamba-Ankvab clash.
    Khajimba was not visible, he was not using the media, was focused
    mainly on nationalist (though in Abkhazia they call it patriotism)
    orientated masses, used to say during his campaign that all ethnic
    groups are equal, but Abkhazians are above them all as they do not
    have another homeland. Khajimba did not claimed to have any
    administrative resource, neither had he unlimited financial resources,
    and at the same time he tried to conduct his campaign quite honestly
    and worthily. Of course, one cannot even dream about winning in such
    circumstances. However, it would be a good lesson for him. We also
    note that neither inclusion of Ardzinba's wife in his team helped him,
    as we assumed before. And hope that population would support
    Ardzinba's wife just because of her name was a mistake. Elections have
    shown that Ardzinba already belongs to the history.

    As for Ankvab, a number of interesting processes developed around him.
    We have already mentioned troubles associated with the Kitovani
    statement. This gave Ankvab additional supporters, as opposed to the
    assumptions of Russian lobbyists of Shamba. PR campaign against Ankvab
    was a precondition for his victory. A great part in this was played by
    those Russian journalists, who almost daily tried to pour dirt on
    Ankvab in favour of Shamba. He was reminded about Ardzinba, and then
    about Lominadze ... Shamba even tried to use against him the fact that
    Georgian politicians, former Georgian officials, experts and the media
    called Ankvab a decent and honest man, as if he was a traitor, just
    because Georgians said good words about him. Journalist and Shamba's
    great supporter Marina Perevozkina kept pace with him. There was
    nothing that she did not thought of to complete the task; she used
    every forged material and analysis that had nothing in it against
    Ankvab other than confirmation that he really is a worthy and honest
    person. Perevozkina left no statement of the Club of Experts
    uncommented. We do not consider it necessary to comment on those
    fantasies that Perevozkina used against us, as the population of
    Abkhazia already gave a clear answer to them. Moreover, Ankvab showed
    dignity in these elections and it was mentioned many times in his
    rival camps. That is why personal qualities such as honour and dignity
    are appreciated in Tbilisi, as well as in Sukhumi or Grozny. But
    Russian journalists cannot understand and perceive the Caucasus in

    All political processes show attitude of society and its needs. These
    elections were not exception either and they make it possible to draw
    certain conclusions. The most important conclusion to be drawn on the
    results of these elections is that the ideology of deified in Abkhazia
    Vladislav Ardzinba has ended. This is the end of that violent
    separatist ideology that Abkhazians have been using for the past 20
    years were and on which their so-called "Independence" was built. the
    elections was once again won by Ardzinba's rival camp and this
    indicates that the Abkhazian society is fed up with playing "Georgian
    card", it is fed up with tensions, they want peace and stability, they
    need a steady hand to stop lawlessness of criminal clans. They just
    want to live, work, raise children and be happy like everyone in the
    world. Therefore, the defeat of Khajimba (who acted in tandem with
    Ardzinba's widow) and Shamba (whose campaign was based on the ideology
    of "Aidgilara") is the beginning of the destruction of the ideological
    foundations which led to Abkhazians' being "independent" minority. But
    even then this is independence when even their own fate does not
    depend on them.

    It should be noted that and a special role in this election was also
    played by Armenian and Georgian population. If everyone understood
    importance of the first from the beginning, importance of Georgians
    was taken into account to a lesser extent, due to reasons which we
    have already mentioned above. But it was the fact of Georgian
    population acquiring "passports", their support for Ankvab that played
    a quite interesting role in this election.

    In general, these processes have shown that non-Abkhazian population
    supported stability. As we have already noted, Khajimba was coming
    from the nationalist positions, so he should not have laid great hopes
    on non-Abkhazian population. Armenians of Abkhazia, as we know, are
    fully engaged in the service sector, whether it concerns receiving
    tourists, their transportation services, or etc. They do not want war,
    they want money. And money loves peace, they say. At the same time
    they got pretty fed up with lawlessness of Abkhazian criminals,
    increasing number of drug addicts and thieves, and by supporting
    Ankvab they expressed hope that it all would come to an end. The main
    thing for the Georgian population is peace and stability, so that they
    are not robbed, that they can have normal development, that they have
    ability of free movement into the Georgian-controlled territory as
    Ankvab promised them, so they can learn and develop in their native
    language. For all these 20 years, the most affected was the Georgian
    population of Gali district. Just during the period of deployment of
    the Russian peacekeepers over two thousand Georgians were killed. They
    are absolutely powerless, and have been living in the status of
    third-rate people for the past 20 years in conditions of daily fear.
    Another interesting fact is that part of Russians also supported
    Ankvab, for example, in the mountainous village of Pskhu.

    For us this election changes nothing. No matter who will be a Russian
    puppet in Abkhazia - Ankvab, Shamba or Khajimba the issue of
    territorial integrity of Georgia remains open and we should not hope
    for any warming of relations. However, it should be noted that rivalry
    is always more attractive with a worthy person than unworthy one.
    Unfortunately, this worthy person has little saying in the painful for
    us question and nothing depends on him since any move against Russia's
    interests may result in the same things that happened to Bagapsh. It
    will be good if this worthy man at least let Georgians living there
    feel that they are not third-rate people and will ensure their safety. 68
