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President Of Armenia Visits Glendale

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  • President Of Armenia Visits Glendale

    By Kelly Corrigan, [email protected]

    Glendale News Press
    Sept 26 2011

    Serzh Sargsyan made the trip to herald the arrival of nation's new

    The president of Armenia on Sunday helped christen his nation's new
    consulate in Glendale, drawing hundreds of onlookers.

    At the grand-opening ceremony for the consulate, which moved from
    its Glenoaks Boulevard location to 346 N. Central Ave., Armenian
    President Serzh Sargsyan called on members of the Diaspora to visit
    their homeland "regardless of whether they like our government or not."

    "One thing is eternal, and it's your fatherland," he said.

    Roughly a dozen people were at the event to protest Sargsyan's
    government, police said, but no incidents were reported.

    The Armenian flag was raised in Sargsyan's honor as residents, Boy
    Scouts and schoolchildren looked on from across the street. Glendale
    and Los Angeles city officials mingled in the consulate's courtyard
    and sipped champagne.

    "This is a double celebration for us," Glendale City Councilman Ara
    Najarian said, referring to the president's visit and new consulate
    location. "This is a very distinguished presence right on Central,
    right in the heart of downtown."

    Mayor Laura Friedman also expressed gratitude for the contributions
    Armenian residents have made in politics, business, education and
    the arts.

    "We are a far richer community due to the presence of so many Armenians
    in Glendale," she said. "As the mayor of the city that boasts one of
    the largest populations of Armenians outside the Republic of Armenia,
    I'm very, very proud."

    Speaking through a translator, Sargsyan thanked the United States
    "for hosting our people in times that were very difficult for us,
    for allowing them to settle and develop and reach prosperity here.",0,608206.story
