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Baku Faces Difficult Choice Between Turkey And Israel

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  • Baku Faces Difficult Choice Between Turkey And Israel

    by Shahin Abbasov
    Sept 26 2011

    Policymakers in Azerbaijan are facing a dilemma: can an enemy of a
    friend be a friend? Specifically, can Baku maintain cordial relations
    with both Turkey and Israel at the same time?

    Signs are emerging that Baku is facing pressure to make a public
    choice between Turkey, its most important strategic ally, and Israel,
    with whom Azerbaijan in recent years has developed close diplomatic,
    economic and military ties.

    Turkish-Israeli ties nosedived after nine Turkish citizens died during
    a 2010 Israeli attack on an aid boat traveling to the blockaded
    Palestinian city of Gaza. Since then, both countries have recalled
    their ambassadors, and Turkey has expressed support for recognition
    of United Nations membership for Palestine. To repair what were once
    friendly relations with Jerusalem, Ankara has demanded a full apology
    from Israel for the 2010 attack and the end of its embargo on Gaza.

    Now, Turkey is turning to its longtime strategic ally, Azerbaijan,
    for support on that front. In a September 19 interview with the
    government-friendly ANS TV, Turkish Ambassador Khulusi Kylych called on
    "brother Azerbaijan" to "reconsider its relations with this country,"
    referring to Israel.

    "This issue concerns every citizen of Turkey and it should be reflected
    in [Azerbaijani-Israeli] relations," Kylych asserted. Just as Turkey
    closed its borders with Armenia in 1991 to support Azerbaijan during
    its war with Yerevan over the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh, so
    Baku, in effect, now should sever close ties with Israel, he continued.

    But that request is more easily made than met.

    Azerbaijan is one of the few Muslim countries with relatively extensive
    ties with Israel, including the co-production and sale of military
    equipment. Israel also ranks as the second largest importer of
    Azerbaijani oil (after Italy), taking in 6.5 million tons per year -
    an amount that accounts for roughly 30 percent of Israel's oil needs,
    according to Azerbaijani government statistics.

    Kylych touched on that link, hinting at the possibility that Turkey
    could bring pressure to bear on Israel's oil supplies via the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline. "We know about the Azerbaijani oil
    transit to Israel via the Turkish [port of] Ceyhan," he said. "Israel
    should think about it."

    Baku may well be thinking about it, too -- and, beyond that,
    to Turkey's role as a trade avenue to the West, via Georgia, for
    Azerbaijani oil, gas and other goods. Disagreements over the transit
    of Azerbaijani gas already mar relations with Ankara; conceivably,
    scant interest exists for Israel to become another sore point.

    Commenting to about Ambassador Kylych's interview,
    Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry spokesperson Elman Abdullayev stuck to the
    diplomatic and obvious. "Turkey and Azerbaijan are brotherly nations,"
    he observed. "Turkey is one of the strongest countries in the region
    and has an influence on regional processes." Officials have made no
    other comments.

    Israel has made its position known. In a September 17 interview with
    ANS TV, Israeli Ambassador Michael Lavon-Lotem argued that Azerbaijan
    and Israel's close ties "cannot be the basis for a third country's

    Unlike Azerbaijan's southern neighbor, Iran, which also has pushed
    Baku to back away from Israel, Turkey, which shares deep cultural
    ties with Azerbaijan, could prove more difficult to ignore.

    Analyst Leyla Aliyeva, president of the Center for National and
    International Studies, a Baku think-tank, believes that Baku simply
    will try to avoid situations in which it would be required to choose
    between Turkey and Israel. "Baku will be trying to keep the status
    quo of its relations with both countries," Aliyeva said.

    If it manages to preserve that status quo, some see a chance for
    Azerbaijan to act as a mediator between Turkey and Israel. "Israel
    should soften its position [on aid to Gaza] and Azerbaijan should
    very diplomatically explain to Tel Aviv that its position is wrong,"
    independent MP Musa Gasimly told the SalamNews agency. "Because a
    further escalation will harm all sides."

    So far, Azerbaijani opposition leaders have strongly supported Turkey
    in its war of words with Israel. A September 16 statement from the
    Public Chamber, a grouping of the country's largest opposition parties,
    asserted that "Turkey is right" for reducing its ties with Jerusalem
    after the Mavi Marmara incident.

    But pro-government analyst Mubariz Akhmedoglu, head of the Center for
    Political Innovations, doubts that Baku will follow Ankara's wishes.

    "If Azerbaijan supports Turkey on this issue, it could only harm
    Turkish-Israeli relations" by fueling Israeli anger, Akhmedoglu said.

    Akhmedoglu reasons that the dispute between Ankara and Jerusalem
    is just a battle for influence in the Middle East. "We should not
    interfere. . . . At any time, Ankara could normalize relations with
    Israel. And where would that leave Azerbaijan?"

    Such a difference of opinions only emphasizes the difficult choice that
    faces Baku, said Elhan Shahinoglu, director of Baku's Atlas research
    center. "Our government is in a tough situation," Shahinoglu said.

    Editor's note: Shahin Abbasov is a freelance reporter based in Baku and
    a board member of the Open Society Assistance Foundation-Azerbaijan.
