The reception of applications for participation in Orange Book
Prize 2011 is now close. Organizers have received a total of 130
works, out of which 79 short stories and essays, 16 fairy tales, 24
screenplays and 11 novels. Now is beginning the period of Jury reading
and evaluating the works. After that maximum four best works in each
category will be selected and presented to large readers~R estimation
on October 7, during the book festival «Back to book». Winners will
be selected based on on-line vote.
As a reminder, four nominations of the contest ~V short story and
essay, novel, fairy tale, screenplay~Rplay, were open to armenian
residents writing in armenian and having presented a litterary work
never published in the past.
All four winner works from each category will be published as
a separate book, printed by quantity of 500 . The winners of the
contest will be known during the awards ceremony, on November 11.
The objective of the contest is to discover Armenain litterarary
works, through the daily evoluating electronic media spread them among
large group of readers and boost interest towards reading. With this
initiative Orange intends to join Yerevan in celebrating book and
reading, in 2012, when Yerevan will be world book capital. Orange Book
Prize will be organized and implemented in cooperation with Armenian
Book Center NGO.
The reception of applications for participation in Orange Book
Prize 2011 is now close. Organizers have received a total of 130
works, out of which 79 short stories and essays, 16 fairy tales, 24
screenplays and 11 novels. Now is beginning the period of Jury reading
and evaluating the works. After that maximum four best works in each
category will be selected and presented to large readers~R estimation
on October 7, during the book festival «Back to book». Winners will
be selected based on on-line vote.
As a reminder, four nominations of the contest ~V short story and
essay, novel, fairy tale, screenplay~Rplay, were open to armenian
residents writing in armenian and having presented a litterary work
never published in the past.
All four winner works from each category will be published as
a separate book, printed by quantity of 500 . The winners of the
contest will be known during the awards ceremony, on November 11.
The objective of the contest is to discover Armenain litterarary
works, through the daily evoluating electronic media spread them among
large group of readers and boost interest towards reading. With this
initiative Orange intends to join Yerevan in celebrating book and
reading, in 2012, when Yerevan will be world book capital. Orange Book
Prize will be organized and implemented in cooperation with Armenian
Book Center NGO.