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ANCA-WR Urges Community To Protest Ottoman Military Marching Band Pa

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  • ANCA-WR Urges Community To Protest Ottoman Military Marching Band Pa


    Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

    LOS ANGELES-The Armenian National Committee of America - Western Region
    issued a statement Tuesday condemning the forthcoming visit to the
    City of Los Angeles by the Ottoman Military Marching Band on October 3.

    "The Armenian National Committee of America - Western Region strongly
    condemns the arrival of the offensively-named Ottoman Military Marching
    Band and its October 3 visit to Los Angeles. The ANCA-WR likewise
    questions the irresponsible decision by the City of Los Angeles to
    grant a permit to a group who claims descent from the notoriously
    murderous corps of the Ottoman Army known as the janissaries. The
    nature and planned performance of the band are not only insulting
    but wholly unacceptable to the Armenian American community," said
    the statement from the ANCA-WR Board of Directors.

    In the early part of the 20th century, the Ottoman Military Marching
    Band arose from the corps of janissaries in the Ottoman Army, which
    marched in time to music. Janissaries were soldiers who, in their
    day, were among the most egregious murderers of Armenians and other
    Christian minorities in the Ottoman Empire. They were an elite corps
    composed of children forcefully taken from their families as part of
    the "devshirme" tax - where Armenian families sacrificed their sons
    to the Ottoman army. These children were raised as extremist Muslims.

    In 1911, as the Ottoman Empire was beginning to collapse, cultural
    and military elements successfully revived the tradition of Ottoman
    Military Marching Bands. By 1953, the tradition had been fully restored
    as a band of the Turkish Armed Forces. Today, the corps-comprising
    the Mehter Band and the troops that accompany it-continues to play
    at state, military and tourist functions in modern Turkey.

    The sound of the Ottoman Military Band is characterized by a largely
    shrill combination of bass drums, horns, and cymbals. Among the lyrics
    to their anthem is, "Overwhelm the enemies of your motherland, and
    thus shall those cursed ones suffer abjection."

    And as such, on October 3, the streets of Hollywood will be the
    stage for the celebration of mass murder, as the Ottoman Military
    Marching Band proceeds through with its raucous demonstration of
    its blood-stained history. The Ottoman Military Marching Band will
    be performing just several blocks away from Little Armenia, which
    has the highest population density of Armenian American residents
    living in Southern California. Among these residents are a significant
    number of elderly, for whom this reenactment will cause a great deal
    of psychological trauma as they recall the horrors of the Genocide
    that took place under the banner of this same marching band and their
    fellow janissaries.

    To place this parade in its true historical context, one would need
    to envision the band marching alongside the hundreds of thousands of
    Armenian women and children who perished in the Anatolian deserts at
    the hands of those Ottoman soldiers.

    Indeed, this loud and pernicious display of Ottoman-era tradition
    is an appalling affront to the Armenian American, Greek, Assyrian,
    and Pontian communities - and to all people of good conscience who
    stand on the side of justice. It is no different than allowing the Ku
    Klux Klan to march in the middle of Watts; or having a Nazi military
    reenactment in the Fairfax district in the vicinity of dozens of
    synagogues and temples. It is tantamount to hate speech and harassment.

    "Despite this flagrant attempt at incitement, we call upon the Armenian
    American community of Los Angeles to oppose this painful and egregious
    provocation peacefully," said the ANCA-WR in its statement.

    The ANCA-WR has a long-standing record of fighting for the rights
    of Armenian Genocide victims and their descendants, and is prepared
    to challenge this outrageous demonstration of disregard to the
    rights and concerns of the Armenian American community. The ANCA-WR
    stands with all individuals and groups ready to civilly oppose this
    vulgar reenactment of an unforgotten and torturous past. Further,
    the ANCA-WR remains committed to pursuing justice for the Armenian
    Genocide, including recognition by the U.S. and Turkish governments,
    and to the belief that no entity is allowed to inhumanely terrorize
    victims of genocide and their descendants.

    The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region is the
    largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy
    organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination
    with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the
    Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country,
    the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community
    on a broad range of issues.
