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Senate Approves Heffern As Ambassador To Armenia

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  • Senate Approves Heffern As Ambassador To Armenia

    John Heffern

    Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

    Controversial US envoy to Turkey Nominee Francis Ricciardone yet to
    be confirmed.

    WASHINGTON-The U.S. Senate voted by unanimous consent Monday night
    to approve John Heffern's nomination as U.S. Ambassador to Armenia,
    reported the Armenian National Committee of America.

    "Although we remain disappointed with a number of his responses to
    Senate inquiries, we look forward, in the coming months and years,
    to working with Ambassador Heffern to expand U.S.-Armenia relations
    on the basis of commonly-held values and shared interests, with
    particular focus on the bilateral trade and investment issues,"
    commented ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian, upon Heffern's
    confirmation. "Ambassador Heffern can play a vital role in expanding
    U.S.-Armenia trade, which has yet to reach the $200 million a year
    mark, by leading the way toward a Trade and Investment Framework
    Agreement (TIFA) and an updated Double Taxation Treaty. With these
    accords in place and a firm commitment by all stake-holders to act
    decisively and pro-actively, there is no reason we can't reach more
    than a billion dollars a year in bilateral trade within the next
    five years."

    By contrast, U.S. Ambassador to Turkey nominee Francis Ricciardone,
    who was to be fast-tracked for consideration on the floor, along
    with the nomination of John Heffern, has yet to be scheduled for
    Senate confirmation. Ambassador Ricciardone has been the subject of
    considerable controversy, having faced opposition within the Senate
    Foreign Relations Committee from Senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ),
    Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Jim Risch (R-ID) prior to the panel's
    approval of his nomination. During the Committee's deliberations of
    Amb. Ricciardone's nomination, Senator Menendez explained that he had
    lost confidence in his abilities after Amb. Ricciardone had submitted
    clearly false information concerning the destruction of Christian
    churches in Turkey. Senator Menendez's concerns over the persecution
    of religious minorities in Turkey were echoed by Senators Chris Coons
    (D-DE), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), and Chairman John Kerry (D-MA).

    Heffern Questioned on Administration's Armenian Genocide Policy During
    Heffern's July 13 confirmation hearing, Senate Foreign Relations
    Committee member Robert Menendez (D-NJ) had pressed him regarding
    the Obama Administration position regarding the Armenian Genocide,
    and also about his own understanding of this crime. The nominee
    cited the killing of over 1.5 million Armenians at the end of the
    Ottoman Empire, but stopped short of properly referencing these acts
    as "genocide," arguing that "the characterization of those events
    is a policy decision that is made by the President of the United
    States. He added that this policy is enunciated in the President's
    April 24 Remembrance Day statement."

    Senator Menendez remarked, "This is an inartful dance that we do. We
    have a State Department whose history is full of dispatches that cite
    the atrocities committed during this time. We have a convention that
    we signed on to as a signatory that clearly defines these acts as
    genocide. We have a historical knowledge of the facts that we accept
    would amount to genocide. But we are unwilling to reference it as
    genocide. And if we cannot accept the past, we cannot move forward.

    And so I find it very difficult to send diplomats of the United States
    to a country in which they will go - and I hope you will go, as some
    of your predecessors have - to a genocide commemoration and yet never
    be able to use the word genocide. It is much more than a question
    of a word. It is everything that signifies our commitment to saying
    'never again.' And yet, we can't even acknowledge this fact and we
    put diplomats in a position that is totally untenable."

    Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) joined Senator Menendez in submitting
    written questions to Heffern following his confirmation hearing.

    Senator Menendez had deferred Committee consideration of Mr. Heffern's
    nomination to allow broader Senate scrutiny of the candidate.

    Heffern is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service and serves
    as the Deputy Chief of Mission at USNATO, Brussels. Prior to his
    current post, Heffern served as Deputy Chief of Mission and Executive
    Assistant to the Undersecretary for Political Affairs at the U.S.

    Embassy in Indonesia.

    Heffern's career has also included overseas assignments to Japan,
    Malaysia, Ivory Coast and Guangzhou, China. From 1994-1996, he
    served as a Pearson Fellow on the Asia Sub-Committee for the House
    International Relations Committee. Prior to entering the Foreign
    Service, he served in the Office of Senator John C. Danforth as the
    Senator's Office Director and Research Assistant. He Heffern received
    a B.A. from Michigan State University.

    Heffern replaces Marie Yovanovitch, who returned to the U.S. in June
    to serve as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Northern and
    Central Europe.
