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Medvedev/Putin, Putin/Kocharyan?: Russia's Strategy Leads To Specula

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  • Medvedev/Putin, Putin/Kocharyan?: Russia's Strategy Leads To Specula

    By Gayane Abrahamyan

    27.09.11 | 12:32

    After late last week's official announcement of the Putin for
    Medvedev replacement plan for Russia, a question has naturally risen
    among Armenian political circles: would Putin's return also mean
    Kocharyan's comeback, since Russia's ex-president Vladimir Putin is
    known to be favouring his then-Armenian counterpart and loyal partner
    Robert Kocharyan?

    Members of the ruling coalition do not believe it's possible, and
    make a reference to the memorandum signed early this year according
    to which the coalition has committed to support Armenia's current
    president Serzh Sargsyan's run for a second term in 2013.

    However, Kocharyan's recently activated presence in the political field
    as well as "the Putin factor" have lead many to a different assumption.

    It is noteworthy that lately Vartan Oskanian, who was foreign minister
    during Kocharyan's presidency, did not exclude such a possibility,
    either. Cautious and diplomatically evasive Oskanian, who usually
    refrains from speaking about Kocharyan, said in his interview to
    "168 hours" local daily newspaper:

    "My presumption is that Kocharyan would, after all, have political
    involvement. For the start, parliamentary elections: I think there
    will be some kind of involvement there."

    (The Armenian Constitution stipulates that a president can serve two
    successive terms - as did Kocharyan, but may return to power after
    the next election cycle.)

    It is worth noting, too, that Prosperous Armenia party leader Gagik
    Tsarukyan was present at the September 23-24 summit of Yedinaya Russia
    (United Russia) party, during which the decision on supporting Putin's
    candidacy for the office was announced.

    It is common knowledge that Prosperous Armenia party was founded by
    Kocharyan and is his political fulcrum, and Tsarukyan's participation
    in that summit gives grounds for speculation.

    "Of course, Tsarukyan has participated in Yedinaya Russia's summits
    since 2008, however, that very year is significant, as it (marked
    the end of Kocharyan's presidency) and these meetings were laying
    the groundwork in anticipation of Kocharyan's return," political
    analyst Narine Lazarian, Yerevan's Slavonic University professor,
    told ArmeniaNow. "We don't even have an idea how many times Kocharyan
    personally went to meet Putin, we only know that Putin favors Kocharyan
    much more than Serzh Sargsyan,".

    People's Party leader Tigran Karapetyan believes that "Kocharyan will
    definitely come back".

    "If Levon Ter-Pterosyan [Armenia's first president] returned, why
    wouldn't Robert Kocharyan?" he says.

    Heritage party member, MP Armen Martirosyan thinks, nonetheless,
    that the current president Serzh Sargsyan has more possibilities
    for maneuvering now than Medvedev who never really managed to leave
    Putin's shadow and that he [Sargsyan] can prevent Kocharyan's return.

    "Despite the fact that Kocharyan has solid financial and human
    resources, at the moment he is not powerful enough to fight against
    Serzh Sargsyan," he says.

    Whispers on Kocharyan's possible return started spreading somewhere
    around mid-year when he increased his presence in the media and gave
    lengthy interviews, however , whispers turned into full-sound voices
    the fourth book about him got published.

    A 500-page book titled "Robert Kocharyan in the fate of the Armenian
    cause" tells about Kocharyan's "heroic deeds".

    In the prologue the author, Marc Amatouni, writes introducing

    "A powerful public, political leader of modern Armenian history,
    infallible military theorist, the carrier and creator of the victorious
    arms of the Artsakh heroic battle... the organizer and leader of
    modern-day battles of Avarayr in the Great Patriotic war of the
    Armenian nation, the reviver of the distorted heroic profile of an
    Armenian, and the re-creator and carrier of the authentic image of
    the Armenian national, state, and political figure."
