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Diaspora, Oligarchy, Citizens

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  • Diaspora, Oligarchy, Citizens

    James Hakobyan News
    13:15:53 - 27/09/2011

    In a meeting with the Armenian entrepreneurs in Los Angeles, as the
    official press release informed, Serzh Sargsyan noted that in the
    past twenty years the potential of the citizens of Armenia has not
    been used fully.

    It is a hint that Armenia could have reached greater success, even
    in the blockade that Armenia has been in over its independence, had
    the potential of the citizens been used at full. The reason why this
    potential has not been used or has not been used appropriately seems
    to be known to everyone. This potential was stifled in election fraud,
    criminal and oligarchic economic relations, corruption covering the
    country like weeds.

    To use the potential of the citizens at full, all these hindrances
    should be eliminated. Serzh Sargsyan is certainly aware of this but
    is he ready to take dynamic steps in this direction? Is he ready to
    dissolve the criminal and oligarchic economy?

    He invites Diaspora entrepreneurs to have greater participation in
    the economy of Armenia, generally in the development of the economy
    of Armenia. However, Sargsyan who sends this invitation must be ready
    to reduce the participation of Ruben Hairapetyan, his brother Sashik
    Sargsyan, Samvel Alexanyan and other similar oligarchs.

    After all, those Diaspora entrepreneurs and these oligarchs cannot
    coexist: either the Diasporan entrepreneurs will have to get used to
    the rules and ways of the oligarchy, or the oligarchy will have to
    leave. Maybe Serzh Sargsyan thinks that the more Diaspora entrepreneurs
    come to Armenia, the more dominant this quality will be in the economy
    and public life, ousting the oligarchy. However, this is an illusion,
    to put it mildly, because the Diaspora businessmen will come to Armenia
    only after this oligarchy is ousted. Because it is necessary to oust
    that oligarchy to use the potential of the citizens of Armenia. This
    step directed at using the potential of the citizens of Armenia will
    be a signal for Diaspora and any serious foreign businessman to make
    investments in Armenia.

    For the time being, Serzh and Tigran Sargsyan only speak about fight on
    corruption, the same oligarchy is made to pass legislation on fight on
    themselves first ensuring them that these laws will never be enforced.

    From: Baghdasarian