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Nune And The Vote

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  • Nune And The Vote

    Yeghisheh Metsarents News
    11:28:32 - 27/09/2011

    The TV report in the evening of September 26 told about a concert
    organized by some foreign organization of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun
    somewhere, at which Nune Yesayan performed. Then Nune Yesayan was
    interviewed who said she is ready to be beside the army always.

    It seems that all the ARF-D organizations should know what Nune Yesayan
    had stated in an interview on the ten citizens of Armenia killed on
    March 1. "They died, it was their fault that they died. Were they not
    there, they would not die," Nune Yesayan had stated in an interview
    following the clampdown on peaceful demonstrators.

    A singer who makes such a pronouncement should never ever get any
    invitation, besides the government invitations, of course. Even
    the so-called national events should be closed for Nune Yesayan,
    especially if they are organized by the organizations of the ARF-D
    which is considered to be opposition.

    After all, should this Diasporan audience get killed in Yerevan,
    such as while struggling for the votes of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun,
    Nune Yesayan will probably say, "They were killed, it was their fault
    that they were killed. Were they not there, they would not get killed."

    Perhaps Nune Yesayan speaks similarly about the killed or "suicide"
    soldiers at peacetime, announcing that she is ready to be beside the
    army always. Surprisingly, the organizers of the military parade of
    September 21 did not run Nune Yesayan across the square together with
    her star colleagues who express their fiery delight with the army
    from time to time, in reality being happy that they have demand in
    the government also for the sake of the army.

    How can Armenia and the Diaspora clap to a singer who can speak with
    such cynical indifference about the innocent people killed in the
    center of Yerevan, even if the so-called political views of Nune
    Yesayan and their political views differ?

    When will a social consensus be established between Armenia and the
    Diaspora on the key genuine values, such as the citizen, the life and
    dignity of the citizen? When will a uniform system of values be adopted
    to measure everyone who will speak so cynically about the tragedy
    of the citizen of Armenia? And to have everyone understand that a
    citizen is a value and not a political value, and any encroachment
    upon this value, written or oral, will be absolutely condemned,
    both in Armenia and the Diaspora.

    Meanwhile, the goal of the political organizations, whether national
    or other, should set to proselytize the value of citizen rather than
    the performance of cynical stars. Otherwise, it is at least strange
    when the ARF Dashnaktsutyun in Armenia launches the movement "Vote
    is Power", while some of its organizations abroad are guided by the
    logic that "Nune is Power", meanwhile Nune and vote are different
    categories, to put it mildly.

    From: Baghdasarian