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Tuvalu Recognized Abkhazia And South Ossetia

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  • Tuvalu Recognized Abkhazia And South Ossetia

    by Yury Simonyan

    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    September 28, 2011 Wednesday

    ATTENTION OF THE POST-SOVIET SPACE; Interesting events happened in
    the post-Soviet space. Moldova sold weapons to Armenia. Meanwhile,
    South Ossetia and Abkhazia obtained recognition from Tuvalu.

    To be more accurate, this was a mysterious airplane that took off
    from local airfields in an unknown direction but with a known cargo
    of weapons. There were many presumptions as to where the armament
    was transported. There would be even more presumptions if the local
    defense minister did not announce that the armament and ammunition
    were sold to Armenia.

    At first, Armenia denied the information. Afterwards, when the scandal
    started growing, it kept silent being occupied with celebration of the
    20th jubilee of independence. The military parade in Yerevan dedicated
    to this event confused the observers. Besides the commonly known
    weapons Armenia also demonstrated various missiles and hinted that
    it had something more but demonstration of this required a resolution
    of leaders of the country. After this statements of Azerbaijan about
    military superiority over Armenia ceased looking definite. In any case,
    Yerevan had to turn to the topic of armament purchase from Moldova.

    The official comment of the Defense Ministry of Armenia did not
    answer the questions because it was aimed rather at disavowing of the
    statement of Chisinau that ammunition with expired shelf life was sold
    to Yerevan. In a special statement the press secretary pointed out
    that Armenia had never bought and would not buy defect armament. The
    fact of the deal was moved to the shadow again. It remained unclear if
    the Armenian party purchased something from Moldova or if it did not.

    If it did buy weapons, there was nothing strange in this because the
    country was hearing threats from the neighbor.

    President of Armenia Serzh Sargsian dedicated his speed at the
    66th session of the UN General Assembly last week to the threats
    of Azerbaijan. The main point of his speech was that the matter of
    independence of Nagorno-Karabakh was settled, the republic chose
    sovereignty, there was no way back and it was necessary to conduct
    negotiations to avoid an unnecessary war.

    President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili was as emotional as Sargsian.

    Saakashvili managed to speak about everything and to complain about
    occupation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia by Russia and about its
    "permanent threats" to Georgia.

    Another event unpleasant for Georgia happened while Saakashvili was
    complaining about Russia and promising to help the revolutionary
    government. Tuvalu recognized sovereignty of Abkhazia and South
    Ossetia. This was also unpleasant because Tbilisi grew very active in
    establishment of diplomatic relations with "unnoticeable" countries
    to prevent broadening of recognition of sovereignty of its former
    autonomous and established diplomatic relations with Tuvalu literally
    a week before. However, the leaders of Tuvalu were evidently not
    impressed by the speech about the Russian occupation and made their own
    decision. Besides the gratitude of Abkhazia and South Ossetia Tuvalu
    also received a promise of Russia to establish diplomatic relations
    with it. Georgian politicians called the actions of Tuvalu another
    fiasco of Russia on the international arena but did not explain why
    it was fiasco.

    From: A. Papazian