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Europe Urgently Needs A New Ostpolitik

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  • Europe Urgently Needs A New Ostpolitik

    By Thomas de Waal

    September 28, 2011 11:47 pm

    With their southern neighbourhood still in ferment and the eurozone
    in ever deeper crisis, few European leaders have much time to think
    about their eastern borderlands. They should. This is one region
    where the collective European Union can make a difference. Indeed,
    the much heralded return of Vladimir Putin as Russian president should
    focus minds on how to present an alternative to Russia~Rs increasingly
    authoritarian model.

    Troubling smoke-signals are quickly rising from the six European
    post-Soviet countries outside Russia: Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine,
    Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Twenty years after they became
    independent, with the end of the Soviet Union, they form an arc of

    Tiny Moldova is probably the brightest spot and has the most
    progressive government, but is also the poorest and its reformist
    agenda is mostly on paper. Belarus suffers under Europe~Rs most
    repressive leader, Alexander Lukashenka, and is close to bankruptcy.

    Ukraine has squandered the chance of transformation promised by the
    2004 Orange Revolution and is wracked by permanent political strife.

    Elsewhere, the current Georgian elite has made some impressive
    modernising reforms, but its democratic record is more patchy. Georgia
    is also currently a one-party state with few checks and balances.

    Armenia and Azerbaijan are still crippled by their perpetual and
    intractable conflict over the disputed territory of Nagorny Karabakh.

    Today in Warsaw, the EU re-launches its worthy but faltering eastern
    partnership programme for these six countries. If ever there was a
    project to energise it, this should be it. In eastern Europe, far
    more than in the Arab world, the EU is a guiding star for millions of
    people, who feel European but are frustrated by inadequate governments
    and persistent poverty.

    The issue is not a Russian imperial threat. With the exception of a few
    sensitive spots, such as Abkhazia and Crimea, Moscow is in long-term
    retreat from its former colonial space, and is mostly pre-occupied
    with domestic problems, such as the volatile north caucasus. Russia
    had concerns about Nato expansion into Georgia and Ukraine, but that
    ill-conceived project has now run out of steam. The EU, by contrast,
    is just a fact of life to the west. Russia~Rs challenge is more of an
    economic one: a re-elected Mr Putin is likely to be more aggressive
    in pushing an agenda of cross-border crony capitalism via for example
    a customs union with Ukraine.

    The EU can offer a brighter vision than that ~V if it tries. Currently
    the default policy is to withhold the big carrot, a membership
    perspective for these countries, while being softer on day-to-day
    issues, such as conditionality on reform and conduct of elections,
    in order to keep up a dialogue with governing elites.

    In fact, it should be the other way round. The leaders of the EU
    should make a general commitment that in theory and in the future
    these six countries could eventually join the union, if ~V and it is a
    big if ~Vthey raise their standards to meet it. Offering the hope of
    eventual EU membership should not be a taboo. Turkey has been in the
    EU waiting-room since the 1960s, but, more by good luck than planning,
    the long wait has helped reform the Turkish state and now, arguably,
    outgrow its EU ambitions.

    However, it would be a big mistake for the EU to cut corners on
    issues such as elections or trade agreements. Calling a bad election
    a bad election sends a clear signal that some governments are more
    legitimate than others. Negotiations on a deep and comprehensive
    free trade area with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine promise eventual
    privileged access to the EU single market and Brussels should use
    all the leverage that it has on this issue. All of these countries
    have opaque and monopolistic corners in their economies that need
    more light shone into them. If they want better access to the EU,
    they should get it without bending the rules.

    One principle should guide all others, in a new Ostpolitik: ordinary
    citizens are often more pro-European than their leaders. That means
    anything that can be done to lift visa restrictions and make travel
    easier for students or professionals could pay big dividends in the
    future. Leave aside the debt crisis for a moment. Presenting a vision
    of a bigger freer Europe is a project that even Germany and Greece
    should be able to get behind.

    The writer is a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for
    International Peace in Washington DC
