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ISTANBUL: Akcam Unveils History Of PKK's Internal Executions

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  • ISTANBUL: Akcam Unveils History Of PKK's Internal Executions


    Today's Zaman
    April 2 2012

    Listed on the hit list of the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party
    (PKK), Taner Akcam, an academic at Clark University in America, told
    the Cihan news agency that the PKK killed its opponents not only in
    Syria but also in Germany.

    Stating that he is optimistic about the police investigation of
    executions within the organization, Akcam advocated an approach that
    does not make moral distinctions between unsolved murders committed
    by the state and those by the PKK. Noting that before the Sept. 12,
    1980 military coup the PKK murdered people from almost all political
    movements and organizations, Akcam said that founding member Abdullah
    Ocalan was pursuing a "time-gaining strategy" in terms of violence.

    Akcam is known internationally for his scholarship on the Armenian
    issue. He was a student leader in the 1970s and is now an expert in
    Turkish left-wing and Kurdish politics.

    Unsolved murders are being ignored Arguing that unsolved murder
    investigations in Turkey are not addressed well, Akcam said: "There
    isn't a strong political will behind the investigations. Politicians
    have failed to give attention to Ayhan Carkın's testimony, the
    Kurdistan Communities Union [KCK] trial in Diyarbakır, or unsolved
    murders committed by the PKK.

    Everybody seems to be advocating for their own unsolved murders."

    Demanding that a serious inquiry begin regarding unsolved murders from
    the 1990s, Akcam stated that what is essential in reopening these
    investigations is to repair the damaged sense of justice in Turkish
    society. The way unsolved murders are handled may pave the way for
    creating a strong and common sense of justice within the community
    again. "If you can't develop a common sense of justice within the
    society, you destroy the possibility of living together."

    PKK members asking for democracy and opposing Ocalan killed Saying
    that in 1983 he received a phone call from either the National
    Congress of Kurdistan (KUK) or Kurdish political activist Kemal
    Burkay's organization in Germany, Akcam stated: "They informed
    me that the PKK imprisoned a group of its members and it tortured
    them. Back then we still had close relations with Ocalan and so I
    made some attempts to call." Akcam recounts: "While we were eating,
    some men came in and whispered something in Ocalan's ear. When he saw
    that I was looking at him curiously, he said to me: 'We have a man;
    he has a mental disorder. We took him into custody and imprisoned
    him. He wants to quit our organization. Anyone who wants to quit our
    organization is insane. No normal man quits our organization.' At that
    moment I thought that this was very odd but still I thought that that
    man really had a health problem. It is because in that period there
    would be people who came from Turkey from very difficult conditions and
    who had serious psychological problems. We also had such friends. They
    would come to me and say, 'I can't do it here anymore. I want to go
    to Europe. I no longer want to be active in the organization.' We
    would send almost all such people to Europe. Yet there were some who
    opposed this. But in the end we would send them to Europe. As a result,
    I thought this might be such a person with psychological problems.

    However, it turned out that this man was someone who wanted democracy
    and opposed Ocalan within the PKK. By means of the information from
    either the KUK or Burkay's organization, I figured out that Ocalan
    detained those who politically opposed him."

    Speaking for the first time about the PKK's murder of a young member
    named Zulfu Gök in Frankfurt, Germany, Akcam added: "We had a
    friend named Cetin Gungör [code name Semir]. He was from Dersim,
    which has a special meaning for me, and he was Armenian. He was
    a member of the PKK's Central Committee and in charge of the PKK
    in Europe. He was detained by Ocalan because he wanted democracy
    within the organization. He was confined in a house in Köln. Semir
    successfully escaped this house. He knew he was going to be killed. He
    came to us to Hamburg. We weren't capable of protecting him. I had
    Semir meet with Amnesty International, the Social Democrat Party
    and the Green Party, as well as some other organizations. He sought
    protection but couldn't receive any. Since we couldn't protect Semir
    in Hamburg, he went to Sweden and hid there. I guess it was one or
    one-and-a-half years later when Semir attended a cultural night for
    the first time and they killed him that night. After this happened,
    we and some other organizations, as a political network, released
    a manifesto that condemned the PKK harshly. Then the PKK launched a
    campaign against us. In their magazine Serxwebun they targeted me by
    calling me 'Little Enver, Little Ataturk'."

    PKK killed member for protesting murders Recounting how PKK member
    KurÅ~_at Timuroglu was murdered because he protested the murder of
    Semir, Akcam stated: "I had started hiding before KurÅ~_at's death. In
    the meantime the German police received intelligence that my father
    in Hamburg was going to be killed by the PKK. My father lived under
    police protection for 24 hours a day for about one or one-and-a-half
    years. KurÅ~_at was the eighth person they killed. They killed one
    person among Burkay's supporters in Hanover and one other person from
    the group named 'KurtuluÅ~_' [Salvation] in Switzerland. They kept
    killing people within their group. They committed around 20 political
    murders in Europe."

    Mahmut Bilgili was a lawyer who quit the PKK in Holland. Akcam told
    him the PKK was a mafia-like organization and it killed whoever
    spoke out. Akcam says that despite the fact that Bilgili kept silent,
    he was killed in Holland.

    "What is most painful is that the leaders of some organizations who
    were on the same side as people killed by the PKK started to adopt
    a policy that praised Ocalan and the PKK. They did not object in the
    least to pursuing this policy on behalf of the left wing. Then I became
    the common target of almost the entire Turkish left wing," said Akcam.

    Describing how he knew Resul Altınok, a member of the PKK's Central
    Committee who was killed by the organization, Akcam noted that he
    attempted to save the man but could not prevent his being killed.

    In 1974 Ocalan was the representative of the faculty of political
    science within the youth organization dubbed the Ankara Higher
    Education Association (AYOD); Akcam recalled that in those times there
    used to be two separate views among Kurdish students in Ankara. One
    supported organizing Kurdish youth with Turkish youth, and the other
    supported organizing them separately. Because Ocalan was against
    Kurds establishing a separate student organization, Akcam recalled,
    there were people who called him "nutty." Pointing out that Ocalan had
    sympathy for activist Mahir Cayan, Akcam stated: "Ocalan would say,
    'The ideas of Mahir Cayan can't be put into practice in big cities.

    His theory is written for Kurdistan. We all need to go to Kurdistan
    and start an armed struggle there.' He believed in this argument and
    going to the Kurdish region; he organized his party there."

    Akcam thought that opposing the PKK's executions would not be very
    meaningful and successful if a political will could not be found to
    investigate thousands of murders committed against Kurds in the 1990s.

    He believed that until the Kurdish issue was addressed, opposition
    to the PKK's executions could be considered holding back the Kurdish
    movement. "Addressing both unsolved murders of Kurds and the executions
    within the PKK should be treated as foundational to Kurdish expansion
    and democratization," said Akcam, adding that confronting the murders
    should lead to establishing peace and social tranquility, not to
    war. He emphasized that all murders committed in the past should be
    approached "as a part of confronting our own history."

    Reiterating that the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) isn't
    an independent party, Akcam argued that the BDP had to consider "how
    the PKK would react" before making a statement. Arguing that a lot of
    problems would be solved if the PKK had the BDP represent it in civil
    politics, Akcam said the PKK, however, could not do that, as that would
    be inconsistent with the PKK's ideology. Emphasizing that for Turkey to
    become a fair country the PKK and the state should discuss the murders
    openly, Akcam said, "I guess that if we can't succeed in examining
    the murders committed by both sides in an unbiased way and with the
    same sense of justice, we can't establish solidarity within society."

    'I know how Å~^erafettin Elci fled' Reacting to Å~^erafettin Elci's
    statement that "the PKK only killed the ones who confessed to police
    and betrayed the PKK," Akcam said he does not understand why Elci
    needed to lie. "Brother Å~^erafettin, it wasn't rarely that he fled
    and hid from the PKK. I do know how he escaped and hid from the PKK. He
    needn't have lied." Akcam noted that he knew the National Intelligence
    Organization (MÄ°T) had an impact on Ocalan's own movements. Stating
    that he knew the father of Kesire Yıldırım, who had married Ocalan
    in 1978, was a member of MÄ°T, Akcam added, "When we met in Syria years
    later, he told me: 'They wanted to use me and I wanted to use them,
    too. I hardly survived till Syria.' As a result he was aware that he
    led MÄ°T to establish the organization and Ocalan made use of this
    opportunity. Besides, taking the current situation into consideration,
    I don't think such theories bear a lot of importance.

    There are more than 40,000 deaths. The 20-year war is a reality now."

    Ergenekon case a chance for historic confrontation The Ergenekon case
    is an important investigation, Akcam said.

    "Actually, this case could become a symbol for Turkey's confrontation
    with its history and for establishing its future but it seems the
    board is letting this opportunity pass by. Ergenekon is a branch of
    Ä°ttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti [Committee of Union of Progress (CUP)].

    Through this connection between Ergenekon and CUP, Turkey can confront
    its history and establish a democratic future. However, the politicians
    don't have the vision to do this... That is consistent with the logic
    of war. When the PKK started the armed struggle, the Turkish Republic
    indirectly helped the PKK in order to avoid the emergence of another
    alternative to the republic," said Akcam, adding that rather than
    democratization the state pursued the policy of letting Kurds kill
    other Kurds for the purpose of controlling the Kurdish movement.

    Explaining that when the Justice and Development Party (AK Party)
    swept to power, he observed for the first time a slight change in
    the government's policy towards Kurds, Akcam expressed that people
    are now suggesting that the Kurdish issue should be addressed in ways
    other than armed struggle.

    The PKK and BDP haven't paid enough attention to Ergenekon trial Akcam
    pointed out that if the PKK and the BDP push more strongly for the
    Ergenekon trial, this could make quite a contribution to the solution
    to the Kurdish problem as such an attitude would help in analyzing its
    background. "It's because the Kurdish issue in the 1990s was confined
    between Ankara's General Staff and the PKK's Kandil. And these two
    options cooperatively suppressed any kind of democratization within
    both the Kurdish movement and Turkey, as they collaborated in terms
    of their interests. Therefore, confronting this case will pave the
    way for democratization in Turkey."

    According to Akcam, "pursuing this trial will unveil intersection
    points between Kandil and the General Staff in Ankara. It will be
    shown that the mindsets of these two sides and the way they perceive
    humans and society are similar. This will show us the limitations of
    our mindset as a society. We can't pursue the Ergenekon trial strongly
    enough because we are confined by the limitations of our mindsets.

    Actually, there is only one condition for Turkey's taking its place as
    a serious power and as a government both in the region and also the
    world. It is reckoning with the limitations of our mindsets. It is
    being able to reckon with our perception about violence and with our
    worshipping violence. Actually, what should be done is quite simple:
    We should avoid all kinds of distractions and improve democratization
    and liberties. We must be able to say 'No one but God can take away
    the life He gave.' We must get to the point of saying that a political
    murder is a murder regardless of on whose behalf and against whom it
    is committed. All the rest is a tall tale."

    Noting that a new constitution creates a big opportunity, Akcam said
    he no longer believes the AK Party will make a new constitution, and
    education and language issues should be resolved without waiting for
    constitutional change. He added that local autonomy should immediately
    be enacted within the framework of European Union agreements.
