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OSCE Study Shows 95 Journalists Jailed In Turkey

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  • OSCE Study Shows 95 Journalists Jailed In Turkey


    April 2, 2012 - 16:46 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Dunja MijatoviÄ~G, the OSCE Representative on Freedom
    of the Media, presented an updated analysis on imprisoned journalists
    in Turkey on April 2 and called for immediate reform of the nation's
    media laws.

    "The number of imprisoned journalists in Turkey has significantly
    increased in the past year," MijatoviÄ~G said. "This is worrisome and
    demands the immediate attention and swift action of the authorities."

    Ninety-five journalists are in prison today, up from 57 a year ago,
    according to the OSCE study, which is an update of a similar analysis
    published last year.

    "The sheer number of imprisoned journalists raises fundamental
    questions about the law and policy on journalism and free expression
    in Turkey. I am concerned that the threat of imprisonment will lead
    to further widespread self-censorship," MijatoviÄ~G said.

    "The laws need to be changed so journalists are not jailed for their
    work. Those who are in prison now need to be released," MijatoviÄ~G

    The study shows journalists face extended pre-trial detention and
    long sentences if convicted.

    "Courts do not routinely grant pre-trial release to accused
    journalists," she said. "I am aware of only seven recent occasions
    when journalists were released pending trial, a development which
    I publicly welcomed. I hope others will be released soon and their
    trials finalized swiftly."

    The study shows that the laws most commonly used to jail journalists
    are Article 5 and 7 of the Anti-Terror Law (relating to articles of
    the Criminal Code on terrorist offences and organizations or assisting
    members of or making propaganda in connection with such organizations,
    as well as the lengthening of sentences), and Article 314 of the
    Criminal Code (on establishing, commanding or becoming member of an
    armed organization with the aim of committing certain offences).

    MijatoviÄ~G said that she recognized the legitimate right of
    governments to fight terrorism and protect national security and
    their citizens.

    "However, objective reporting about all issues, including sensitive
    topics such as terrorism, is a fundamental part of democratic societies
    and journalists play an indispensable role by providing information
    to the public."

    Ahead of publication, MijatoviÄ~G sent the study and shared her
    concerns with the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, offering
    her Office's full assistance in reforming the media laws in Turkey,
    OSCE said on its website.
