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The Society Is Showing Its Force

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  • The Society Is Showing Its Force

    Siranuysh Papyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 16:00:12 - 02/04/2012

    Interview with Edgar Vardanyan, Center for National and International
    Studies expert

    You have recently passed your whole time in the Mashtots Park where
    the Initiative Group for the dismantlement of the boutiques is trying
    to demolish them. What else is happening in the park?

    First of all, the society is showing its force which is based on rights
    hence it puts in a very uncomfortable situation the authorities,
    particularly the police. This is somewhat unexpected for them,
    because it is different when you gather somewhere and voice claims
    and when you do a direct action to restore your rights. We have seen
    our action was largely responded among the society and covered by the
    mass media means becoming an important event in the social-political
    life of the country.

    It is all about four kiosks that could be removed after so much
    public concern. Do you think the non removal is determined by the
    fact that the brother of the owner of the boutiques is the tenth on
    the Republican Party list, or this is a matter of principle?

    They don't try to preserve the boutiques, here the regime is
    trying to defend the basis that feeds it, while the basis is the
    criminal-oligarchic agreements on the clear division of spheres
    and riches. It is a matter of principle for the oligarchs, wealth
    accumulated through illegitimate and illegal ways, defense of their
    positions. They have agreed on the defense ways and if there can be
    only one case to question the agreement and the invulnerability of
    the oligarchs' wealth, it will cause a deep suspect of the oligarchs
    that the system is not defending them. This is the issue since such
    a suspicion may bring about the collapse of the whole system.

    While, in case a classic authoritarian system was in Armenia,
    the authorities would have solved this issue quite easily. They
    could just pressure the people and close the issue, or play the
    role of the kind king and say that they are dismantling the kiosks
    since the society wants it. We have a different situation, we have a
    criminal-oligarchic system which supposes for a group of people, who
    have enormous economic and political resources and will never allow
    concessions on their account. But now, the self-determined citizen has
    come who is a new subject and does not know the "criminal-oligarchic"
    rules and challenges its keepers.

    Is the self-determined society formed in the Mashtots Park?

    Yes, it is. Sure, we can't say what part of the society is
    self-determined, maybe it's quite a small part, but I can see progress
    trends. You know, the selfless but public steps of the members of the
    Group for the Dismantlement of boutiques have stimulated the society
    and their behavior is contagious and exciting. People now understand
    that this is not just a game and it is a matter of dignity. These
    people said that in case they broke the law with their actions,
    the police could arrest them. This is very important and can be a
    good precedent for the society and a very dangerous one for the
    oligarchy since if these events deal with only a few boutiques
    today, tomorrow the same may happen with an institution and may
    then cover all the illegal ones. The society with its legal steps
    may force the regime and its illegal place police troops around all
    its illegitimate objects. This will bring about a crisis and in the
    result of literate actions by the society, the crisis may be resolved
    in favor of the people.
