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Lavrov's Yerevan Rehearsal

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  • Lavrov's Yerevan Rehearsal

    Igor Muradyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 15:12:24 - 03/04/2012

    Foreign minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov stated in Yerevan State
    University that after the withdrawal of troops, return of "regions"
    to Azerbaijan and "creation of a corridor", the people of Karabakh
    will decide their own destiny on their own. Apparently, saying "will
    decide their destiny", he means self-liquidation.

    It is more than clear that such a shocking and challenging speech
    by Lavrov in Yerevan was the rehearsal of his visit to Baku where he
    will state that security in the Caucasus and Caspian region depends
    on partnership between Russia and Azerbaijan. At the same time, we
    can deduce that Russia is trying to create an extremely uncomfortable
    situation for the Armenian authorities prior to the parliamentary

    It would be good to learn the opinion of the leaders of the Prosperous
    Armenia Party on this matter who are the closest to the Russian
    interests in the political field of Armenia. It is necessary to
    understand that this is only the beginning of the "honeymoon" with
    the Russians. Not finding anything worthier, Moscow is trying to
    undermine the image of the Armenian authorities with the help of the
    Karabakh issue. There could be nothing uglier in this situation.

    Russia is worried about the process around Azerbaijan, especially
    with its relations with the U.S., Israel and Iran. There is a real
    threat to the Russian interests in the Caspian region, and Russia
    is again trying to reveal the futility of its policy to Azerbaijan
    which is under the American hood.

    It is high time to demonstrate again Moscow's willingness to sacrifice
    the Armenian interests. Who else needs to become the conductor of
    the Russian policy or be the "puppet" in this cheap play?

    No doubt Lavrov's visit to Baku will fail, taking into account Russia's
    interests. Anyway, it will be found out that Russia will have to
    resort to the fulfillment of the policy of undermining the foreign
    policy and state building in Azerbaijan. Apparently, this visit to
    Yerevan was a rehearsal. The visit to Baku will be the "verification".
