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Bashar Al-Assad Still Beats Turkey And Gulf States

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  • Bashar Al-Assad Still Beats Turkey And Gulf States

    Karine Ter-Sahakyan

    March 30, 2012

    The most interesting thing in Annan's plan is that it does not call
    for Bashar al-Assad to leave power.

    Syria has agreed to the plan of peaceful settlement of the situation
    suggested by UN special envoy to Syria Kofi Annan and supported by the
    UN Security Council. The peace plan developed with the participation
    of Russia and the League of Arab States (LAS), suggests an end to
    violence on both sides, non-interference in the affairs of Syria from
    outside, access by humanitarian organizations into the country and
    establishment of a monitoring mechanism.

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Let us recall that earlier Syrian authorities had
    agreed also to other peace initiatives, but the rebels opposing to
    President al-Assad treated the agreements skeptically. Opposition
    principally demands that Bashar al-Assad resign from the post of the
    Syrian president. All sorts of peace plans the opponents of the regime
    agree to discuss only after the fulfillment of this precondition.

    Her contribution to the failure of these arrangements made also U.S.

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, accusing al-Assad of
    "over-promising and under-delivering." "If he is ready to bring
    this dark chapter in Syria's history to a close he can prove it by
    immediately ordering regime forces to stop firing and begin withdrawing
    from populated areas," added the head of the U.S.

    Department of State. Similar statements were made also by other Western
    countries. Earlier, the UN reported that more than 9000 people had
    been killed since the protests began last March. However, as already
    reported, the UN data are based only on information received from
    the opposition, and therefore cannot be considered absolutely reliable.

    Hillary Clinton also stated that Bashar al-Assad must begin preparing
    for a democratic transfer of power. She also called on opposition
    groups to, "Come forward with a unified position, a vision of the kind
    of Syria they are wishing to build". But the opposition has no unified
    position - the only thing that brings them together is the hatred for
    Assad and the desire to establish Islamic laws in Syria. However, most
    opposition groups that recently participated in the Istanbul meeting
    finally agreed to unite behind the Syrian National Council (SNC),
    the main Opposition group, which would be the "formal interlocutor
    and formal representative of the Syrian people". But Syrian people
    themselves are definitely not ready to be represented by Islamic
    militants from "Al Qaeda" and "Muslim Brotherhood". These are the
    basic kernel of the rebels, no matter what the UN, U.S. and Arab
    League say. The Istanbul meeting also revealed the disagreement
    within the Syrian opposition: representatives of different groups
    were constantly arguing with each other and leaving the meeting room
    in token of protest.

    The most interesting thing in Annan's plan is that it does not call
    for Bashar al-Assad to leave power. The plan was presented to Moscow
    and Beijing, which support Syria. According to BBC, Annan's six-point
    peace plan includes: 1. Syrian-led political process to address the
    aspirations and concerns of the Syrian people, 2. UN-supervised
    cessation of armed violence in all its forms by all parties to
    protect civilians, 3. All parties to ensure provision of humanitarian
    assistance to all areas affected by the fighting, and implement a
    daily two-hour humanitarian pause, 4. Authorities to intensify the
    pace and scale of release of arbitrarily detained persons, 5.

    Authorities to ensure freedom of movement throughout the country for
    journalists, 6. Authorities to respect freedom of association and
    the right to demonstrate peacefully.

    In fact, Annan "did not fulfill" what he was expected to by Arab
    countries: the Syrian president won't resign. Neither was he going to.

    But the important thing about all this is that oil monarchies of the
    Gulf together with Turkey were left with nothing, and it is good not
    only for Syria and Iran, but also for the Middle East.

    The second "Friends of Syria" conference due in Istanbul on April 2,
    once again without Russia and China, is doomed to failure. As for
    the LAS summit in Baghdad, it opened with a strong explosion in the
    city center. The summit, entirely devoted to the discussion of Syrian
    events, was opened despite the explosion. Among participants of the
    forum were nine heads of state, including Kuwait's emir, who was on
    the first visit to Iraq since 1990, when Saddam Hussein's troops
    invaded his country. The summit was also attended by UN Secretary
    General Ban Ki-moon.

    Last time Iraq hosted the Arab League summit in 1990, just months
    before the invasion of Saddam Hussein into Kuwait. In addition, this
    has been the first summit of the League since the "Arab spring" that
    swept the region last year. The forum is taking place against the
    background of the conflict in Syria, which seems to never end. The
    main meeting of the Arab country leaders is scheduled for Thursday.

    Although experts believe that the participants will hardly be
    throwing plates at each other, as it was at the previous summit in
    Iraq, some tension still exists. This summit is also remarkable from
    the religious point of view. Shiites dominate in the current Iraqi
    leadership, while the leaders of other member states are Sunni. At
    the same time Iraq is experiencing a period of sectarian strife,
    which is manifested in its domestic policy - the Sunnis complain that
    they have no place in the Maliki government.

    Meanwhile, last week there were several explosions in Iraq, which
    were to demonstrate instability of the current government. The
    responsibility for them was taken by Islamic militants. Iraqi
    authorities brought out tens of thousands of security forces to the
    streets to prevent violence during the summit.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress