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Religion: 'Muron' Olive Oil 1,700 Years In The Making

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  • Religion: 'Muron' Olive Oil 1,700 Years In The Making

    By Tara Vassiliou

    Olive Oil Times
    April 3 2012

    When God spoke to Moses on Mt. Sinai, he said: "Take the finest spices
    of liquid myrrh ...and of sweet-smelling cinnamon ... and of aromatic
    cane ... and of cassia ... and of olive oil ... and you shall make
    of these a sacred anointing oil blended as by the perfumer ... this
    shall be my holy anointing oil throughout your generations." (Exodus

    And thus commanded, every seven years since AD 301 Armenian priests
    from all over the world descend upon one of the oldest cathedrals in
    existence - the ancient Cathedral of Etchmiadzin in Armenia. It was
    here, that St. Gregory, patron saint of the Armenians blended the first
    sample of Muron 'as a unifying religious symbol of forgiveness and
    peace, and as a medicine for healing' and it is here that the priests'
    fulfill their mission: to return to their respective dioceses with
    their precious cargo of freshly concocted Muron - the sweet-scented
    holy oil.

    The recipe is prepared in a massive, ornately-engraved, silver caldron;
    and is created from more than 40 different ingredients: herbs,
    flower extracts, spices, wine and the main component - pure virgin
    olive oil. To protect the sweet perfume, the lid of the cauldron is
    sealed with uncooked dough, and the entire assemblage steamed for
    three days and three nights. The Bishops use three holy relics to
    sanctify the oil: the Geghart - the lance that pierced the side of
    Christ; a piece of wood believed to be from the original Cross upon
    which Christ gave his life; and the holy right hand of St. Gregory the

    Accompanied by readings of sacred scripts and the ringing of bells
    to symbolize the descent of the Holy Spirit, the caldron is unsealed
    and the Holy Chrism from the previous ceremony is added - old to new -
    mixed with the original batch from the Armenian Church's founding 1,711
    years ago. It represents the continuation of an unbroken chain from
    the time of St. Gregory - and an extraordinary link between millennia.

    Over the next seven years, the Muron will be used sparingly in Armenian
    churches, scattered like their people over the globe. Church leaders
    note, that throughout the centuries 'Muron has helped sustain a people
    decimated and dispersed by war, conquest and genocide.'
