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Medicine: Scientists Identify Genetic Changes That May Increase Risk

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  • Medicine: Scientists Identify Genetic Changes That May Increase Risk

    By Alice Park

    TIME Magazine
    April 3 2012

    Natural disaster, violent crime and war are traumatic experiences for
    anyone to live through, yet some people recover quickly from these
    events while others struggle with the flashbacks and hypervigilance
    that characterize posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Why?

    Scientists say they have pinpointed certain genetic changes that may
    make some people more vulnerable to PTSD than others. The finding
    could one day make it possible to screen people for increased risk
    of developing the disorder.

    Working with several generations of 12 families who survived the
    devastating Spitak earthquake in Armenia in 1988, Dr. Armen Goenjian
    and his colleagues at the University of California, Los Angeles,
    found that variations in genes that code for the brain chemical
    serotonin can affect how profoundly people are affected by trauma.

    Serotonin is implicated in a number of mood-related disorders,
    including depression and anxiety. The neurotransmitter helps regulate
    sleep, mood and feelings of satisfaction and satiety, and doctors
    often prescribe medications that increase the amount of serotonin
    available in the brain to treat both depression and anxiety.

    Because PTSD often occurs together with depression, Goenjian wondered
    whether serotonin-regulating genes might also be involved in PTSD. To
    find out, he took samples from the inner cheek tissue of 200 adults
    who survived the Armenian earthquake and conducted genomic analyses
    on three specific genes that regulate serotonin production.

    In his previous work on potential genetic contributors to PTSD,
    Goenjian reported that about 40% of vulnerability to the mental
    disorder was inherited. In the current study, he isolated two possible
    variations of genes that code for an enzyme involved in serotonin
    production that could contribute to this generational propensity
    to PTSD. Together, the gene changes may account for 7% to 8% of the
    variance in severity of PTSD symptoms.

    Goenjian is under no illusion that he's found the primary genetic
    driver behind PTSD; it's likely that the disorder is the result of
    a combination of multiple genetic variants. But, he says, "we're
    pleased to have it. The next step is to pursue this finding in a
    larger population and probably other ethnic and racial groups, and
    to pursue other genes also."

    Still, the serotonin-related genes do provide a promising avenue for
    developing a way to screen people for increased risk of developing
    PTSD, and possibly to protect them from situations where they might
    experience severe emotional and physical trauma. "If someone has
    a vulnerability to developing PTSD, then we might be careful in
    assigning them to a task, such as going to a high combat zone where
    he might be exposing himself to a situation where he could be at risk
    of developing [the disorder]," says Goenjian. The findings could
    also help researchers create PTSD treatments that address changes
    in serotonin and help people who are more vulnerable to traumatic
    experiences recover from them more quickly.
