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Moscow Warns About Negative Consequences Of Attacking Iran

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  • Moscow Warns About Negative Consequences Of Attacking Iran


    Fars News Agency
    April 3 2012

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Russia once again warned that aggression against Iran's
    nuclear facilities would have disastrous consequences, and underlined
    the non-military nature of Iran's nuclear program.

    "It is hard to predict consequences (of military action), but they
    would obviously be very serious and negative," Sergei Lavrov said in
    response to a question at Yerevan State University during his visit
    to Armenia on Monday.

    He also dismissed the West's anti-Iran sanctions and pointed out,
    "Attempts to impose new unilateral sanctions upon Iran by the United
    States, Japan, some European and other countries are unacceptable."

    Lavrov noted that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
    inspectors "currently work at all nuclear objects of Iran and have
    uncovered no illicit activities so far."

    Israel and its close ally the United States have recently intensified
    their war rhetoric against Iran. The two arch foes of the Islamic
    Republic accuse Iran of seeking a nuclear weapon, while they have
    never presented any corroborative document to substantiate their
    allegations. Both Washington and Tel Aviv possess advanced weapons
    of mass destruction, including nuclear warheads.

    Iran vehemently denies the charges, insisting that its nuclear program
    is for peaceful purposes only. Tehran stresses that the country has
    always pursued a civilian path to provide power to the growing number
    of Iranian population, whose fossil fuel would eventually run dry.

    Iran has, in return, warned that it would target Israel and its
    worldwide interests in case it comes under attack by the Tel Aviv.

    Following the US and Israeli war rhetoric against Tehran, the Iranian
    Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, said Tehran has an
    array of options for confronting the US pressures and sanctions.

    Addressing millions of Friday Prayers worshippers on Tehran University
    Campus in February, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to the US threats that
    'all options are on the table', and underlined that the threat of war
    is harmful to the US interests and war can be ten times more harmful
    to that country.

    "The US threats are sign of its failure in the face of Islamic
    Republic's discourse and indicates that they cannot create a logical
    response to Iran's reasoning," the Leader stated at the time.

    "That's why it (the US) resorts to force; they do not have any logic
    except using force and have no way but bloodshed to go forward."

    Ayatollah Khamenei further underlined that US and others must know
    and they know that Iran has threats too in face of oil sanctions and
    "we impose them whenever it is necessary".

    From: Baghdasarian