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U.S. Report Shifts Israel-Iran Battle Lines

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  • U.S. Report Shifts Israel-Iran Battle Lines

    Published: April 3, 2012 at 12:30 PM

    Reports that Israel has access to airbases in Azerbaijan could point
    to a strategic shift in the battle lines between the Jewish state
    and Iran.

    BEIRUT, Lebanon, April 3 (UPI) -- Reports that Israel has access
    to airbases in Azerbaijan, Iran's uneasy northern neighbor, could
    point to a strategic shift in the battle lines between the Jewish
    state and the Islamic Republic -- and could affect the smoldering
    U.S.-Iranian standoff.

    Having the use of air bases right on Iran's doorstep would completely
    change the military situation for Israel by eliminating one of its
    major headaches: the distance its strike jets would have to fly to
    reach their targets in Iran and return to their bases.

    The round trip total in excess of 2,200 miles and would necessitate
    one -- possibly two -- in-flight refueling, during which the strike
    aircraft as well as their aerial tankers would be highly vulnerable.

    Israel only has a handful of aerial tankers, limiting the size of
    the strike force.

    Having bases in Azerbaijan, a Soviet republic until 1991, would mean
    the attacking F-16I and F-15I jets could reach their targets without
    in-flight refueling because, if the reports attributed to U.S.

    officials are correct, the planes could land in Azerbaijan to fill
    their fuel tanks and head home.

    The Azeri government in Baku has denied it has made any deal with
    Israel and Israel has refused to validate the reports.

    But in recent years, Muslim, pro-Western Azerbaijan has established
    strong military and intelligence links with Israel while Baku's
    relations with Iran have steadily deteriorated.

    The U.S. magazine Foreign Report, in its March 28 edition, quoted
    four senior U.S. diplomats and military intelligence officers as
    saying Israel has been granted access to airbases in Azerbaijan.

    However, they said they didn't know whether that meant Israeli combat
    aircraft could use them in any assault on Iran, either before or
    after attacking targets there.

    But even if it's only to allow Israeli jets to land there after a
    strike, or to base Israeli search-and-rescue units there to pick up
    downed pilots, these officials said Israeli access to Azeri bases
    immensely complicates U.S. efforts to persuade the Israelis not to
    mount an offensive operation Washington fears will trigger a regional
    war that would drag in a reluctant America.

    Now the whole issue gets rather murky.

    There are growing suspicions that the report, true or otherwise, was
    deliberately leaked by the administration of U.S. President Barack
    Obama as a signal to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, the
    leading proponent of attacking Iran, to back off unilateral Israeli
    action the U.S. administration believes will ultimately cost America

    "Clearly this is an administration-orchestrated leak," said Republican
    hard-liner John Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

    "It's just unprecedented to reveal this kind of information about
    one of your allies."

    What is clear is that Israel and Azerbaijan are drawing increasingly
    closer for their mutual advantage and defense.

    But Israel's prime concern is definitely Iran.

    Azeri security authorities, in conjunction with the Mossad, Israel's
    foreign intelligence service, have thwarted several plots to attack
    Israeli targets in Baku, including a school and the embassy.

    These operations were blamed on the Iranian Revolutionary Guards'
    elite al-Quds Force and Hezbollah of Lebanon, Tehran's main proxy in
    the Middle East and widely perceived as being run by the Guards Corps.

    The Mossad maintains a sizeable presence in Azerbaijan and reportedly
    runs clandestine operations inside Iran from there.

    Then in January, Israel Aerospace Industries announced it had secured
    a $1.6 billion contract with a state that wasn't identified, apparently
    for censorship reasons. This turned out to be Azerbaijan and now a key
    source of oil from the Caspian Basin for the West. The deal involves
    the sale of surveillance drones and other security equipment.

    Brenda Shaffer, Israeli's foremost export on Azerbaijan, suggests
    the IAI deal is primarily intended to boost Azerbaijan's military
    capabilities against its longtime rival, Armenia. The largely Christian
    state occupies the Nagorno-Karabakh region, 20 percent of Azerbaijan's

    Israel has been supplying Azeri forces with unmanned aerial vehicles
    since 2008. But the contract unveiled in January is far larger than
    anything Baku has awarded an Israeli company before.

    "To accompany the materiel that IAI is delivering to Azeri security
    forces, many Israeli advisors, instructors and technicians will be
    sent to Baku," the Web site Intelligence Online reported.

    "This increased Israeli presence ... could facilitate the Israeli
    intelligence services' clandestine operations" in Iran.

    Read more:
