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Filmmaker Carla Garapedian To Lecture On Preserving Genocide Testimo

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  • Filmmaker Carla Garapedian To Lecture On Preserving Genocide Testimo

    Posted on April 4, 2012 by Editor

    NEW YORK - The late Dr. J. Michael Hagopian's award-winning documentary
    film, "The River Ran Red," will be screened at the United Nations
    during a symposium on April 12 on preventing genocide. The honorary
    chairs of the symposium are Eugene-Richard Gasana, Rwandan ambassador
    to the UN, and Garen Nazarian, Armenia's ambassador to the UN.

    Carla Garapedian, a filmmaker and member of the Armenian Film
    Foundation board of directors, will speak after the screening at the
    UN on the topic of "Acknowledging the Genocide of Armenians."

    Hagopian's wife, Toni, and daughter, Joanne, will also attend the

    The following day, Garapedian will present a lecture, titled "The
    Digital Revolution: Armenian Genocide testimonials and the Shoah
    Visual History Archive," at the National Association of Armenian
    Studies and Research in Belmont, Mass. Her April 13 lecture will be
    in honor of Hagopian, the founder of the Armenian Film Foundation
    and NAASR's first board member for California (1959-65).

    Garapedian will discuss the new ways Armenian Genocide survivor and
    witness testimonies are being made available to universities around
    the world via the USC Shoah Foundation Institute's Visual History
    Archive. Founded by filmmaker Steven Spielberg in 1994, the Shoah
    Foundation has 52,000 Holocaust survivor video interviews and is
    now adding testimonies from other genocides, including the massacre
    of Armenians in 1915. Hagopian's 400 filmed survivor and eyewitness
    testimonies will be the first of the Armenian Genocide interviews to
    be included in this digital collection.

    During her talk, Garapedian, the project leader for the Armenian
    Film Foundation's digitization effort, will give a demonstration of
    Shoah's powerful search engine and discuss the challenges of presenting
    survivor information via the Internet.

    Garapedian is the director of the film "Screamers," which was widely
    credited with helping to change the public debate on recognition
    of the Armenian Genocide in 2006 and 2007. A native of Los Angeles,
    Garapedian worked as a producer, director and correspondent for BBC
    in London after earning a PhD in international relations from the
    London School of Economics and Political Science.

    She is the recipient of the Armin T. Wegner Humanitarian Award and was
    recently given the Clara Barton Medal of Gratitude from the Armenian
    Genocide Museum-Institute. She worked closely with Hagopian on his
    "Witnesses" trilogy of documentary films on the Armenian Genocide.

    "The River Ran Red" is the third film in the trilogy.

    The April 13 lecture begins at 8 p.m. at the NAASR Center, 395 Concord
    Ave. in Belmont.

    From: A. Papazian