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Azerbaijan's Aliyev Calls Armenians Fascists At Euronest Meeting

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  • Azerbaijan's Aliyev Calls Armenians Fascists At Euronest Meeting

    News | 04.04.12 | 11:37

    Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev on Wednesday called Armenians
    "occupiers" and "fascists" during a speech at the Euronest Plenary
    Session, angering the Armenian parliamentary delegation and shocking
    European officials gathered at the meeting.

    Head of the Armenian delegation and chairman of the Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation parliamentary faction Vahan Hovhannisyan
    told Yerkir Media that during a meeting with Aliyev Tuesday the
    president of Azerbaijan was very welcoming and did not even mention
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    But, in what amounted to an attack on a visiting delegation, on
    Wednesday Aliyev asserted that Armenia is occupying its territory
    and called the policies of its neighbor fascist.

    "During the plenary session, Aliyev made shocking aggressive statements
    calling us fascists, occupiers who have desecrated their graves. In
    short, it was quite an awful speech," said Hovhannisyan, as quoted by
    the paper. "We are preparing documents now and we'll distribute them
    here. We are also going to address the issue in our presentations."

    "Even our European colleagues were shocked. Everyone expected that
    at least the Armenian delegation would be thanked for participation,"
    added Hovhannisyan.

    Hovhannisyan explained that Armenia's participation in the second
    assembly of Euronest, the body responsible for implementing the
    European Union's Eastern Partnership program (Eop), was welcomed by
    a cross section of representatives at the conference in Baku.

    However, Wednesday's speech by Aliyev saw many surprised and scrambling
    for words. Hovhannisyan said that the European Union's Enlargement
    Commissioner Stefan Fule attempted to alleviate Aliyev's attempt
    to blame the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on Armenia through, what has
    become common Azeri anti-Armenian rhetoric and propaganda.

    Hovhannisyan explained that the Armenian delegation would provide
    a rapid response to this overt gesture of discrimination by the
    president of Azerbaijan.

    During the session of Euronest's Political Affairs Committee on Tuesday
    a heated discussion took place between Azeri Foreign Minister Elmar
    Mammadyarov and Prosperous Party of Armenian parliament member Naira
    Zohrabyan who corrected the Azeri minister when he spoke of so-called
    "occupied territories" of Azerbaijan by Armenia.

    In her remarks, Zohrabyan accused Mammadyarov of intentionally
    falsifying historical events and distorting the facts.

    The Euronest Parliamentary Assembly Baku is attended by a 60-member
    EU delegation, and the delegations of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova and
    Armenia, consisting of ten people each.
