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Youth In Armenia, Azerbaijan & Georgia Share Their Views On The Jobs

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  • Youth In Armenia, Azerbaijan & Georgia Share Their Views On The Jobs


    States News Service
    April 4, 2012 Wednesday

    The following information was released by the International Labour
    Organization (ILO):

    The ILO held three national youth consultation events in the Caucasus
    region during March, providing young people with an opportunity to
    express their concerns and share potential solutions for the youth
    jobs crisis that has heavily affected the region.

    The highlights of the national events included several presentations
    made by youth-run organizations focused on youth employment.

    Karen Sargsyan from Armenia stressed that young people in his country
    face many hindrances on the labour market. The main problem for the
    youth to find a job is the lack of experience, which employers see
    as the main obstacle, he said.

    Youth entrepreneurship as a career option was discussed by the
    participants. Gagik Makaryan, the chairperson of the Republican Union
    of Employers of Armenia, spoke about an innovative programme aimed
    at providing assistance in the creation of new businesses for young
    people who wish to become entrepreneurs.

    The need to create a vocational orientated education system in the
    country was highlighted by Armenia's Deputy Labour Minister Araik
    Petrosyan who also attended the forum.

    In Georgia, the participants agreed that there was an urgent need
    to increase the capacity of public employment services in order to
    effectively address the issue of youth employment.

    The potential role of public employment offices in assisting both
    workers wishing to migrate as well as in the successful reintegration
    of returning workers was also recognized by those taking part.

    A young union representative brought up the issue of mismatch between
    skills and available jobs in the labour market, a problem that was
    also pointed out by youth through social media networks.

    Decent and safe jobs, protection of migrant workers and the impact
    of migration in neighbouring countries were also themes discussed at
    the consultation.

    In Azerbaijan, a young representative of the Confederation of Trade
    Unions underlined the need to protect the rights of young employees
    at the enterprise level, particularly in multinational companies
    through promoting freedom of association and creating trade unions.

    Forum Participants stressed that cooperatives provide good
    opportunities for youth, as they are relevant to rural and urban areas
    and for all skill levels. Cooperatives' help young men and women to
    bring together their experience, skills and resources. The essential
    role of social partners in the implementation of policies for decent
    work for youth was also emphasized during the event.

    The ILO is holding global youth consultation events in 46 countries
    around the world throughout March and April 2012 to hear young people's
    views on the alarming youth employment situation.

    For more information, contact the ILO Programme on Youth Employment
    at [email protected], or the ILO Department of Communication and Public
    Information on +4122/799-7912, or at [email protected]

    From: A. Papazian