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Moscow Condemns Bout Sentence And Seeks Return

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  • Moscow Condemns Bout Sentence And Seeks Return


    RIA Novosti

    Russia's Foreign Ministry said on Friday it will take efforts to
    repatriate convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout

    Russia's Foreign Ministry said on Friday it will take all efforts
    necessary to repatriate convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout
    after a U.S. court sentenced him to 25 years in prison.

    Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said he would discuss Bout's sentence
    at a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

    "The Russian Foreign Ministry will take whatever action necessary
    to repatriate Viktor Bout back to his Motherland by any means within
    international law. This issue will, without doubt, be one of our top
    priorities in Russian-American relations," the Foreign Ministry said.

    "In spite of the unreliability of the evidence, the illegal character
    of his arrest involving the participation of US special service
    agents in Thailand and the subsequent extradition, American legal
    officials, having carried out a political order, ignored the arguments
    of lawyers and numerous appeals from all levels in defense of this
    Russian citizen," the Russian ministry said.

    "Long before the sentence was given to Bout, the authorities declared
    him the 'Merchant of Death' and almost an international terrorist,
    but this accusation was based exclusively on his imputed 'criminal
    intent,' the Ministry added.

    "From there, an attempt was made to force him to admit his guilt by
    creating unbearable conditions for detention, by both physical and
    psychological means. The absolutely unacceptable campaign by the
    American media was aimed at influencing the jury and the judicial
    process in the 'right direction.' "

    Russia is not seeking revenge over the Bout verdict, Russian Foreign
    Minister Sergei Lavrov said later on Friday. "In this situation we
    are not seeking revenge, but want to help Viktor Bout. We are not
    proceeding by a desire to take revenge at any price, but by the desire
    to enforce the rights of our compatriot. We will actively support the
    appeal that Bout's lawyers are going to file and will strive for his
    repatriation," Lavrov added.

    Russia's Federation council said that country should do a swap deal
    with the United States to repatriate Bout.

    "All possibilities of returning Bout back home should be studied...but
    it seems that a swap deal would be the most rapid resolution of
    this conflict," Valery Shnyakin, the chair of the council's Foreign
    Committee said.

    Russia and the United States have both signed the European Convention
    on Transfer of Sentenced Persons, which allows a person sentenced for
    crime in a foreign country to be transferred to serve his sentence
    back in his homeland. "So Bout's repatriation is possible," Russia's
    Justice Ministry said on Friday.

    The 25-year prison sentence for Bout is absolutely inadmissible
    and biased, the Russian Foreign Ministry's Human Rights Spokesman,
    Konstantin Dolgov said on Friday.

    "We consider the U.S. Court's 25-year prison sentence given to Viktor
    Bout absolutely inadmissible, unbiased and non-objective," Dolgov
    said in a statement.

    "We have closely monitored the investigative process and can say for
    sure that physical and psychological pressure was used against Bout,"
    he said, adding Bout "was actually kidnapped...and extradited to the
    United States."

    "It definitely raises doubts about the grounds that the prosecution
    is build on and the verdict's justice."

    Douglas McNabb, a Transnational criminal defense lawyer told RIA
    Novosti Russia may push for the annulment of Bout's extradition from
    Thailand to the United States.

    "If the trial continues, and if the court holds that the extradition
    was illegal, the Thai government will be entitled in accordance with
    the U.S.-Thai extradition treaty to legitimately demand Bout's return,"
    McNabb said.

    Other lawyers also criticized Bout's trial.

    "I think he (Bout) was railroaded all the way", said Russell Mace,
    a criminal defense lawyer who has been defending individuals and
    companies in federal court throughout the United States for many years.

    He also pointed out some drawbacks in the Bout's defense. "I cannot
    believe no defense witnesses were called and in my opinion there
    should have been a rather extensive defense", he said.

    However, witnesses for the prosecution, such as the Drugs Enforcement
    Agency (DEA) agent and the informers, did testify at the trial. The
    court received tapped telephone calls records.

    "Bout's appeal is his last hope", Mace concluded.

    A the Federal District Court of New York jury ound Bout guilty in
    November last year of conspiring to kill U.S. officials and citizens,
    acquiring and intending to use Russian-made Igla anti-aircraft missiles
    and providing support to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
    (FARC), considered a terrorist group by the United States.

    Bout has denied all the charges against him. In an interview with Voice
    of Russia Radio on Wednesday, he accused the U.S. Defense Intelligence
    Agency (DIA) of hypocrisy and double standards, saying that it was
    wrong to jail a person "just for what he has said, even if he has done
    no wrong" while many arms dealers in the United States go unpunished.
