April 10, 2012 - 13:18 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - In his Easter Message on Sunday, April 8, Catholicos
of the Great House of Cilicia, His Holiness Aram I said, "Christianity
would have lost its purpose and meaning without Christ's resurrection.
Resurrection is the fulfillment of the promise of a renewed Christian
life guided by the truth and righteousness of God."
He addressed two issues that touch the lives of people in the Middle
Of the situation in the Arab World, he said, "We would like to see
the metaphorical spring become a real spring, whereby the flowers of
justice, mutual understanding, peaceful coexistence and human rights
break into full bloom." "Because Christians and Muslims both belong
to this region and their histories are interwoven," he continued,
"they should work as partners to demand that as new reforms are
introduced in these countries, the full rights of both communities
are respected and constitutionally recognized."
His Holiness Aram I also addressed the internal situation in Lebanon.
While he commended the government for restoring internal security,
he suggested that more could be done to respond to the urgent needs of
the population. For example, he asked, "How can any government deprive
its citizens of electricity for more than thirty years?" Finally, he
urged the government to hasten dialogue among the different political
parties in order to strengthen the unity of the country.
He then blessed the faithful, and prayed that they carry the message
of resurrection into their everyday lives.
On Easter Monday, during the liturgy of Memorial for the Deceased that
follows every major feast in the Armenian Church, the Catholicos
presided over the service. Special prayers were said for the
inhabitants of Maragha village in Martakerk, Karabagh, who were
massacred twenty years ago.
April 10, 2012 - 13:18 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - In his Easter Message on Sunday, April 8, Catholicos
of the Great House of Cilicia, His Holiness Aram I said, "Christianity
would have lost its purpose and meaning without Christ's resurrection.
Resurrection is the fulfillment of the promise of a renewed Christian
life guided by the truth and righteousness of God."
He addressed two issues that touch the lives of people in the Middle
Of the situation in the Arab World, he said, "We would like to see
the metaphorical spring become a real spring, whereby the flowers of
justice, mutual understanding, peaceful coexistence and human rights
break into full bloom." "Because Christians and Muslims both belong
to this region and their histories are interwoven," he continued,
"they should work as partners to demand that as new reforms are
introduced in these countries, the full rights of both communities
are respected and constitutionally recognized."
His Holiness Aram I also addressed the internal situation in Lebanon.
While he commended the government for restoring internal security,
he suggested that more could be done to respond to the urgent needs of
the population. For example, he asked, "How can any government deprive
its citizens of electricity for more than thirty years?" Finally, he
urged the government to hasten dialogue among the different political
parties in order to strengthen the unity of the country.
He then blessed the faithful, and prayed that they carry the message
of resurrection into their everyday lives.
On Easter Monday, during the liturgy of Memorial for the Deceased that
follows every major feast in the Armenian Church, the Catholicos
presided over the service. Special prayers were said for the
inhabitants of Maragha village in Martakerk, Karabagh, who were
massacred twenty years ago.