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Serzh Sargsyan Chose Wrong Audience

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  • Serzh Sargsyan Chose Wrong Audience


    Story from News:
    Published: 11:24:59 - 10/04/2012

    Serzh Sargsyan launched his campaign with meeting with young people
    in Tsaghkadzor, a mountain resort. "My purpose is to incorporate
    your recommendations, wishes, approaches in our programs. The world
    is changing at a pace when the ideas of young people must act as
    guidelines. Since young people are, as a rule, always courageous and
    in most cases are not bound by cliches, they can give better and more
    useful advice."

    Apparently, Serzh Sargsyan made a mistake in choosing his audience
    if he needs fresh ideas by young people which are in line with global
    development and will help Armenia keep up with this development.

    In Armenia, youth is somewhere else and hardly ever appears in the
    halls where Serzh Sargsyan makes his speeches. These young people make
    the civil framework of the Armenian National Congress, the Heritage
    Party and the Free Democrats, even the ARF Dashnaktsutyun, this
    youth is in Mashtots Park, at Trchkan waterfall, Teghut forest, this
    youth is the avant-garde in the battle for rights, law enforcement,
    civil freedoms.

    If Serzh Sargsyan needs fresh ideas and approaches which are in line
    with the global development, he must go and address this youth.

    Because the youth brought to him is just a group of young upstarts
    who care for competition with their peers to appear in the sight of
    Serzh Sargsyan and government and advance in their careers rather
    than boost Armenia's competitiveness in the region and in the world.

    This youth justifies the mental and ideological defective goods of the
    government rather than generates ideas. To make sure this is true, it
    is enough to take a glance of the young people sitting in the first
    row in meetings with Serzh Sargsyan. Most of them are Republicans
    and government functionaries, worthy heirs of their senior colleagues
    who are hopelessly behind the global developments, while the others
    are standing in line for their turn.

    The youth generating ideas is somewhere else, brings up and pursues
    other issues which are related to public welfare, protection of rights
    and freedoms and have nothing to do with their personal welfare.

    Moreover, these young people forget about their own welfare and
    personal comfort and choose the street, the square, spending nights in
    rain instead of warm and comfortable offices not to let Armenia appear
    in the deadlock of global developments, create a harmonious state in
    Armenia, attractive for its citizens, upholding its Constitution.

    Does he have the courage to face this audience and speak about change?

    Is Serzh Sargsyan ready to meet with this youth, listen to their
    unpleasing questions and opinions?

    Certainly, there is another question too. Are these young people ready
    to listen to Serzh Sargsyan, to meet him? Unlike the career hunters,
    they do not rely on Serzh Sargsyan and his administration, they rely
    on themselves, on other fighting citizens.

    Serzh Sargsyan explained to those career hunters his campaign slogan
    "Believe to Change", urging them to believe themselves. Meanwhile,
    the majority of young people in this hall believes their luck and
    Serzh Sargsyan and hope that Serzh Sargsyan and the Republican Party
    will appreciate their devotion and change their life, as the life of
    most of their peers.

    In reality, it is the young people involved in different opposition
    political and civil movements who believe themselves and rely on their
    struggle to achieve change, and unlike Serzh Sargsyan's audience,
    they believe only the citizen who claims to his rights and thinks free.
