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RPA Candidate Refers To ANC Leader As "Miserable"

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  • RPA Candidate Refers To ANC Leader As "Miserable"


    April 12, 2012 - 12:22 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - After long hesitation, president of the Football
    Federation of Armenia (FFA) Ruben Hayrapetyan decided to run for the
    parliament in constituency 1, after he heard rumors that leader of
    the opposition Armenian National Congress (ANC) Levon Ter-Petrossian
    is going to nominate his candidacy here.

    "I decided to use the opportunity and show everyone the real
    Ter-Petrossian by rivaling him in the same constituency," member of
    the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) Hayrapetyan, nominated by
    majority system in Yerevan's Avan district told the journalists. "But
    he seems to be afraid and not nominate his candidacy here."

    RPA representative said he is ready to support ANC members with
    providing a headquarters office.

    When asked by journalists whether he had supported Ter-Petrossian and
    is ready to further render assistance to him, Hayrapetyan replied:
    "I'm ready to support any miserable citizen of Armenia".

    He further clarified that by saying "miserable" he meant not those
    lacking finance, but rather immature and poor in political sense,
    adding he is ready to provide his advice and guidance. Stepan Safaryan
    from Heritage party and ANC representative Gayane Arustamyan are also
    running in this constituency.

    RPA candidate declared that he is not going to debate with Arustamyan
    since he believed a debate with a woman is not the right thing to do.

    Speaking about the election campaign, Hayrapetyan said his opponents
    and he have equal chances to win, and voiced readiness to shake hands
    with any of his rivals who gains victory.
