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Sarcastic Reaction To Turkey Wooing 'Soft' Armenians

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  • Sarcastic Reaction To Turkey Wooing 'Soft' Armenians

    By Jirair Tutunjian
    April 13, 2012

    As of this morning, I will wait with bated breath for the postman
    to deliver the buff envelope with the crescent-and-star insignia
    of the Turkish Embassy on the top left corner. In it I expect to
    find an invitation for a two-week familiarization trip to Turkey,
    featuring a whirlwind visit to Turkish government archives which
    would prove there was no genocide, followed by a visit to the Great
    Mustapha's mausoleum to place a wreath. I will then traipse through
    3,000-year-old fortresses, places of worship and monuments erected
    by the Trojans/Lydians/Hittites (all ancestors of the Turks). We
    will then make a circle tour of Gozan (Sis), Sanliurfa(Yetesia),
    Gaziantep (Aintab) and other towns in Cukurova (Cilicia). We will
    then visit Myra, the birthplace of St. Nicholas, the Turkish bishop
    who was the original Santa Claus. To wrap up the trip, I expect to
    be regaled with shish kebab, raki, chifteh telli and belly dancing
    at a cafe overlooking the Bosporus.

    I will return from the junket with several kilograms of Turkish
    bumph about "Turkey: bridge between East and West", "Turkey: Model
    Muslim Democracy", "Turks: the Origin of the Human Race", "Armenian
    Terrorists Allies of El-Qaida", "1,000 Turks Who Changed the World." I
    would expect that the man from Turkish foreign ministry insist that he
    pay the airline for the extra weight. And yes, I will also be carrying
    a bronze bust of the Great Mustapha as a souvenir of my historic trip
    and a symbol of the eternal friendship between Armenians and Turks.

    Upon my return, I will tell every one I know that Turks are our bosom
    cousins, that some Armenians were killed by Kurdish and Circassian
    bandits in 1915, that some treacherous Armenian revolutionaries
    had wanted to tear apart Turkey and eventually rule it with Russian
    help, and mention the benefits of Armenia becoming a Turkish vassal canned imam bayildi, Turkish Delight, tickets
    to Galatasarai football matches, and endless supply of lachrymose
    Turkish soap operas and inane comedies.

    I think I just heard the postman ring the bell.

    From: A. Papazian