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Armenian MPs Deem "Skipping" Parliament Meetings Natural

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  • Armenian MPs Deem "Skipping" Parliament Meetings Natural


    April 13, 2012 - 20:02 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - This week, the subsequent four day meeting of
    Armenian National Assembly didn't take place over lack of a quorum.

    Perhaps, the parliamentarians were so busy with the election campaign
    that they completely forgot about their direct responsibilities i.e.

    legislative activity, with more disciplined MPs having joined the
    traditional truants this time.

    PanARMENIAN.Net tried to learn the MP's opinion about the sabotage of
    the parliament's operation during a traditional National Assembly
    briefing. Orinats Yerkir's parliamentary group leader Heghine
    Bisharyan, voicing regret over the frustration of the four-day meeting,
    urged against blaming the MPs. She added that even their European
    counterparts note that the same occurs in their countries in the
    midst of election campaign.

    ARF Dashnaktstyun member Artsvik Minasyan didn't deem skipping
    the four-day meeting disgraceful, either. Moreover, in response to
    PanARMENIAN.Net reporter's remark noting that MPs are paid for their
    legislative activity, Mr. Minasyan dubbed the parliamentarians'
    salary as their constitutional right. Either he didn't understand
    the question or he thinks the MPs' salary comprises the payment for
    their propaganda for won re-election.

    As always, the head of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA)
    parliamentary group Galust Sahakyan stood out for his eloquence. To
    the same question he answered that "MPs are paid for communication
    with the public". Having no time during their term of office for
    that, they sensed such a great desire to communicate with public upon
    completion of their terms that the even the National assembly rules
    and constitutional commitments couldn't keep them back.

    As for the parliamentary groups of Prosperous Armenia and Heritage
    parties, their representatives didn't attend the briefing.

    In conclusion, it remains to remind the MPs of their direct
    responsibility i.e. legislative activity, for which they are paid for
    and of the need to ensure active work in parliament throughout the five
    years of their term of office, and not during the election campaign
    with various vows. After all, their pledges serve a single purpose-
    to ensure another opportunity to skip National Assembly meetings.

    From: Baghdasarian