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Paper claims Prosperous Armenia's alleged links to Gyumri homicide

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  • Paper claims Prosperous Armenia's alleged links to Gyumri homicide

    Paper claims Prosperous Armenia's alleged links to Gyumri homicide

    April 14, 2012 - 11:29 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net -

    Armenian police chief Vladimir Gasparyan told journalists on April 13
    that murder of Karen Yesayan, fiancé of Armenian Gyumri city mayor
    Vardan Ghukasyan's daughter has no political implication.

    `I insist that there are no political motives behind this case. Also,
    there are no crimes that cannot be disclosed, and this one is no
    exception; it will be unveiled soon,' police chief declared commenting
    on the homicide.

    Karen Yesayan, 27,was killed on April 12 night.

    Meanwhile, mayor Ghukasyan declared that the incident did not take
    place on the ground of jealousy (this version was rumored on April 13
    among Gyumri locals). He referred to political reasons with regard to
    the murder, 168 Hours paper reports.

    Mayor also said that those detained in relation to this case include
    `prominent members' of Prosperous Armenia party who aimed to his
    withdrawal from the election campaign.

    From: A. Papazian