April 17, 2012 - 15:58 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - Malaysia is close to a contract with Russia on
the delivery of Kornet antitank missile systems, Igla portable
anti-aircraft missiles and is also negotiating a deal on Russian
guided missile and patrol boats, Russian state-controlled arms exporter
Rosoboronexport said on Tuesday, April 17, according to RIA Novosti.
Rosoboronexport deputy chief Viktor Komardin said Russia is ready to
sell Malaysia a license to build Molniya-class guided missile boats
and Mirazh-class patrol boats.
"Malaysia is interested in our Molniya and Mirazh boats," he said.
"This refers to their construction under license at local shipyards
as shipbuilding in Malaysia is well developed."
April 17, 2012 - 15:58 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - Malaysia is close to a contract with Russia on
the delivery of Kornet antitank missile systems, Igla portable
anti-aircraft missiles and is also negotiating a deal on Russian
guided missile and patrol boats, Russian state-controlled arms exporter
Rosoboronexport said on Tuesday, April 17, according to RIA Novosti.
Rosoboronexport deputy chief Viktor Komardin said Russia is ready to
sell Malaysia a license to build Molniya-class guided missile boats
and Mirazh-class patrol boats.
"Malaysia is interested in our Molniya and Mirazh boats," he said.
"This refers to their construction under license at local shipyards
as shipbuilding in Malaysia is well developed."