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News Analysis: Government Promises 'New Armenia' As Vote Nears

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  • News Analysis: Government Promises 'New Armenia' As Vote Nears

    by Sargis Harutyunyan and Irina Hovhannisyan
    April 17 2012

    YEREVAN -- "Let us believe in change!" seems like a strange campaign
    slogan for a party that has dominated Armenia's political landscape
    since 2007 and whose leader, Serzh Sarkisian, has been president
    since 2008.

    But the incumbent president is leading his Republican Party (HHK)
    into the May 6 legislative elections by promising "a completely new
    Armenia" within a few years. And that "new Armenia," Sarkisian says,
    will begin with next month's voting, which the government vows will
    be substantially cleaner and more competitive than past efforts.

    The opposition, too, is cautiously optimistic that this time around
    the country will be able to produce a legislature that truly reflects
    the political spectrum of society. The former president and leader
    of the opposition Armenian National Congress, Levon Ter-Petrossian,
    says the tide of both domestic and international opinion is pushing
    Armenia toward greater democratization.

    "Today the international environment has changed," Ter-Petrossian
    says. "The world would no longer put up with the kind of abuses
    that were committed in Armenia in the past. The events in Arab
    countries...have taught the world a lesson, and I'm sure the world
    will be looking at our elections with totally different eyes."

    Ter-Petrossian is urging all Armenians to participate in the May

    Closely Watched

    The international community -- and particularly the European Union --
    is watching the current campaign intently, waiting to see if Armenia
    can make a qualitative breakthrough in governance that could signal
    the time is ripe for more intense engagement.

    "The European Union will be watching very carefully what happens
    in the Armenian elections," says Michael Mann, the spokesman for EU
    foreign-policy chief Catherine Ashton. "Obviously, depending upon what
    happens, it really shows how seriously they are taking reforms in that
    country and, of course, as far as the European Union is concerned,
    the degree to which a country has reformed itself determines the sort
    of relationship we have with that county."

    In addition, Yerevan-based political analyst Richard Giragosian says
    the Armenian campaign kicks off a regional election cycle and could
    thus become a bellwether.

    "It has broader regional significance because it is within a framework
    of a broader regional election cycle, in that we have elections coming
    in Georgia and Azerbaijan," Giragosian says. "In this sense, the
    performance, the conduct, and the aftermath of the Armenian elections
    will hold direct implications for both Georgia and Azerbaijan."

    Unifying Vote?

    The current campaign comes very much under the political shadow of
    the 2008 presidential election, which opposition candidates claim
    fraudulently brought Sarkisian to power and which were followed by
    demonstrations and clashes that left 10 people dead.

    That crisis also left a deep divide between the government and
    the opposition, which asserted it was effectively locked out of
    the political process by the ruling party's monopoly of state
    institutions. This divide has contributed to the lack of progress
    on key issues, including economic development, political, and legal
    reform, and the dispute over Azerbaijan's Nagorno-Karabakh region --
    although Sarkisian has been praised internationally for his efforts
    to reach out to his political opponents.

    Although the current campaign is an important test for the government,
    it has not gone off entirely smoothly so far. Independent candidate
    Meruzhan Mkhoyan pulled out of the race after he was abducted from his
    home on April 6 and beaten by a group of unknown assailants. Mkhoyan's
    supporters blame the attack on supporters of his HHK rival, Aleksan
    Petrosian. Petrosian has denied all involvement.

    Earlier this month, a bloc of four major political parties agreed
    to form the joint Inter-Party Center for the Public Oversight
    of Elections, which is intended to detect and prevent attempts
    to illegally influence the voting, including the illegal use of
    "administrative resources" by government officials.

    The ruling Republican Party has refused to join the initiative and
    countered with its own voluntary "code of conduct" for all parties
    and candidates. Republican parliament member Davit Harutiunian tells
    RFE/RL's Armenian Service that the proposal is intended to create a
    sense of "common responsibility" for the elections.

    "The essence of the proposal was that all parties that will take part
    in the election process voluntarily take certain responsibilities,"
    Haratiunian says. "At some point, we all have to feel a common
    responsibility for political processes and for political environment
    that the country is in now. I am deeply convinced that everyone
    shares the burden of responsibility be it the representatives of the
    authorities or the opposition."

    Sore Spots

    However, in what seems a sign of the lingering mistrust between the
    authorities and the opposition, Armenian National Congress (HAK)
    coordinator Levon Zurabian immediately rejected the ruling party's

    "The main organizer and perpetrator of vote falsifications in Armenia
    is Serzh Sarkisian's regime embodied by the Republican Party,
    and naturally such initiatives by that force are unacceptable,"
    Zurabian says.

    Zurabian charges that, instead of engaging with the opposition, the
    ruling Republican Party will continue to muddy the political waters.

    "The authorities are very worried about the creation by the four
    political forces of a joint coordinating center to fight against
    fraud," Zurabian says. "Now they will come up with one initiative
    after another."

    Another issue that has caused concern as the campaigning has gotten
    under way is the voting rolls. The government's official tally shows
    2,485,000 eligible voters, some 165,000 more than were on the rolls in
    the 2007 elections. In the meantime, the October 2011 census showed
    the country's population at about 2,870,000, a decline of more than
    400,000 people over the last decade.

    President Sarkisian explains the expanded rolls by saying that many
    Armenians living abroad have been added.

    "Being absent from the country is not sufficient grounds from
    removing people from the voter lists, and this is the reason why the
    number of citizens on those lists is growing," Sarkisian says. "But
    being included on the list does necessarily not mean taking part
    in elections."

    Editor's note: RFE/RL correspondent Robert Coalson contributed to
    this report from Prague, and RFE/RL correspondent Rikard Jozwiak
    contributed from Brussels

    From: Baghdasarian