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How Russia Intends To Divide Armenia

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  • How Russia Intends To Divide Armenia

    Igor Muradyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 16:09:24 - 19/04/2012

    New circumstances and intentions of Russia and other states in the
    region are being revealed. Now there is no doubt that Russia builds
    up its relationship with Armenia on the establishment of relations
    with Azerbaijan and Turkey.

    More and more distinct are Russia's plans on the Karabakh issue,
    which includes the following - complete withdrawal of the Armenian
    forces from Karabakh, return of five, later all the seven regions
    to Azerbaijan, return of the so-called Azeri refugees, deployment
    of Russian peacekeepers in the conflict area, in fact in Karabakh,
    and absolute disregard for the issue of status are put off for ten
    and more years.

    This is clearly another division of Armenia between the partners. In
    the 20s and 40s Russia tried to attract Turkey to its side, enjoying
    the anti-imperialist moods in Anatolia but always got a poke on the
    nose instead of better access to the Black Sea channels.

    So will be now but not immediately, of course, though there is always
    enough time for experiments to destroy Armenia again. Interestingly,
    as at other times, the excited Armenians will expect Russia to handle
    their destiny. During the visit of Dmitri Medvedev to Yerevan tens
    of thousands of Armenians, holding posters and Russian flags, went
    on the so-called square of Russia and expressed their loyalty to the
    Russian president who wants to suffocate their homeland, reduce it
    to the level of mockery of the world.

    Russia was waiting and planning the use of the Karabakh resource in
    its policy. According to more advanced Russian political scientists
    integrated with the government agencies, Russia received nothing
    from the cooperation with Armenia, and further cooperation in such
    a bilateral mode is meaningless. It is openly told to their Armenian
    colleagues whom they have known for many years.

    The leading specialists of the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies,
    the Institute of CIS, experts immediately advising the Russian
    president administration keep to this opinion in one form or another.

    As to Medvedev, he is considered as a leader of the Azerbaijani lobby
    in Russia. The Russian president's relations and interests are close
    enough to insist on this.

    In Russia, too many high-ranking officials are identified as
    Azerbaijani lobbyists, and later on as people who hold one government
    post or another. There are too many "oilmen" and "gasmen" in the
    Russian government. Here are the political views.

    Along with strategic and tactical interests of Russia which involve
    the plans on the Karabakh issue, purely commercial interests indeed
    have an important role, of large-scale character, of course. Russia
    is an important supplier of weapon to Azerbaijan, and the Americans
    and Turks are not indifferent to it. This is a complicated game, and
    beyond Russia's power which though tries to establish new relationships
    in the world remains isolated and blocked by states.

    In the region a lot seems confused and uncertain, new scenarios might
    be expected which one cannot even doubt about. For the time being,
    though, certain circles in Moscow are making efforts for cardinal
    review of allies and partners of Russia in different regions, and
    Armenia may not notice the crucial moment in this politics after
    which the situation will be irreversible.

    In any case, the ethnic lobbies as such are too insignificant to doubt
    they have a serious role. It is only partly known who is involved in
    the fulfillment of these interests. Currently a number of American
    and British journalists in Moscow are intensively developing this
    scenario. One day it will float, one day.
