April 24, 2012 - 21:54 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - "Like previous years, this year too, we commemorated
the Armenian Genocide victims. Head of Armenians' Committee in Belgium
Michele Makhmuryan and Armenian ambassador to Belgium Avet Adonts
attended the Genocide commemorative event," AGBU Europe Board member
Nicolas Tavitian said in conversation with a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.
According to Mr. Tavitian, a film on Armenian Genocide will be screened
on April 24 evening.
The protest was organized by the Associations des Armeniens Democrates
de Belgique (AABD). The crowd commenced the commemoration in the
Armenian Church with a prayer and later slowly moved from the monument
memorial in Ixelles to the Schuman roundabout.
'Turks assassins!', 'Turks barberians!', 'Justice pour les Armeniens!'
and 'No silence for the Armenian genocide!' were the slogans of
the protestors.
April 24, 2012 - 21:54 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - "Like previous years, this year too, we commemorated
the Armenian Genocide victims. Head of Armenians' Committee in Belgium
Michele Makhmuryan and Armenian ambassador to Belgium Avet Adonts
attended the Genocide commemorative event," AGBU Europe Board member
Nicolas Tavitian said in conversation with a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.
According to Mr. Tavitian, a film on Armenian Genocide will be screened
on April 24 evening.
The protest was organized by the Associations des Armeniens Democrates
de Belgique (AABD). The crowd commenced the commemoration in the
Armenian Church with a prayer and later slowly moved from the monument
memorial in Ixelles to the Schuman roundabout.
'Turks assassins!', 'Turks barberians!', 'Justice pour les Armeniens!'
and 'No silence for the Armenian genocide!' were the slogans of
the protestors.