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Jihad Denial And Armenian Genocide Remembrance

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  • Jihad Denial And Armenian Genocide Remembrance

    Andrew Bostom de-remembrance/

    The Center for Security Policy, under security analyst Frank Gaffney's
    [2] bold and thoughtful leadership, is launching a 10-part, web-based
    video course [3] (key findings summarized here [4]), today, April 24,
    2012, entitled, "The Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Enemy Within."

    Today , appropriately, also marks the 97th anniversary of the date
    officially commemorated as the start of the Armenian Genocide-a jihad
    genocide-April 24, 1915. Persistent jihad denial by U.S. policymaking
    elites across the intervening century-a mindset so egregiously [5]
    delusive [6] at present it reflects mindslaughter [7]-is the tragic,
    shared living legacy of these superficially disparate, but intimately
    related phenomena, both animated by canonical Islam.

    The Armenian genocide is formally commemorated each April 24th because
    on that date [8] in 1915, the Turkish Interior Ministry issued an order
    authorizing the arrest of all Armenian political and community leaders
    suspected of anti-Ittihadist or Armenian nationalist sentiments. In
    Istanbul alone, 2345 such leaders were seized and incarcerated,
    and most of them were subsequently executed.

    The majority were neither nationalists, nor were they involved in
    politics. None were charged with sabotage, espionage, or any other
    crime, and appropriately tried. As the intrepid Turkish author Taner
    Akcam recently acknowledged [9], .Under the pretext of searching
    for arms, of collecting war levies, or tracking down deserters,
    there had already been established a practice of systematically
    carried-out plunders, raids, and murders [against the Armenians]
    which had become daily occurrences.

    Within a month, the final, definitive stage of the process which
    reduced the Armenian population to utter helplessness, i.e., mass
    deportation, would begin.

    Historian Bat Ye'or [10] places the continuum of massacres from the
    1890s through the end of World War I, in an overall theological and
    juridical context, as follows: The genocide of the Armenians was
    the natural outcome of a policy inherent in the politico-religious
    structure of dhimmitude. This process of physically eliminating
    a rebel nation had already been used against the rebel Slav and
    Greek Christians, rescued from collective extermination by European
    intervention, although sometimes reluctantly.

    The genocide of the Armenians was a jihad. No rayas [non-Muslim
    dhimmis] took part in it. Despite the disapproval of many Muslim
    Turks and Arabs, and their refusal to collaborate in the crime, these
    massacres were perpetrated solely by Muslims and they alone profited
    from the booty: the victims' property, houses, and lands granted to
    the muhajirun ["holy warrior" jihadists], and the allocation to them
    of women and child slaves. The elimination of male children over the
    age of twelve was in accordance with the commandments of the jihad
    and conformed to the age fixed for the payment of the jizya. The four
    stages of the liquidation- deportation, enslavement, forced conversion,
    and massacre- reproduced the historic conditions of the jihad carried
    out in the dar-al-harb from the seventh century on.

    Chronicles from a variety of sources, by Muslim authors in particular,
    give detailed descriptions of the organized massacres or deportation
    of captives, whose sufferings in forced marches behind the armies
    paralleled the Armenian experience in the twentieth century.

    Grigoris Balakian, a leading Armenian priest of his era who was in fact
    arrested April 24, 1915, managed to escape and compile his personal
    memoir of the years 1914-1918, the monumental Armenian Golgotha [11],
    originally published in 1922, but only available in full English
    translation since 2009. Balakian's first hand narrative confirms the
    jihad motivation for the genocide.

    More than one million Armenian city dwellers and peasants were savagely
    slaughtered and made to choke quietly on their own blood.

    Tens of thousands of Armenian males, lashed together with string or
    rope, were mercilessly butchered along all the roads of Asia Minor, or
    massacred with axes, like tree branches being pruned. The executioners
    were deaf to the crying and weeping of these wretched victims, even to
    their pleas to shoot them so that they might escape the torment: the
    order had come from on high and the jihad against the Armenians truly
    had been proclaimed. Yes, it was necessary to mercilessly slaughter
    them until not a single Armenian was left within the confines of the
    Ottoman Empire.

    The recently published Judgment at Istanbul [12] features the
    conclusions of the Ottomans' own post World War I (Nuremberg-like)
    Military Tribunals which long ago established the facts of
    a centrally organized mass murder committed against the Empire's
    Armenian population. Judgment at Istanbul [12] also includes Winston
    Churchill's contemporaneous reaction to the genocidal events.

    It is worth observing that when responding to the calamity of
    the wartime Armenian experience, Winston Churchill, the foremost
    contemporary British statesman, did not limit himself to merely
    castigating the mass murder in question in terms that in contemporary
    legal language are coterminous with "genocide." He used, for example,
    such language as "a crime" resulting from a "deliberate policy"
    that was "planned and executed," with the result that "the clearance
    of a race from Asia Minor was about as complete as such an act on a
    scale so great, could well be." At the operational level, however,
    Churchill, in "a final attempt to break through the Turkish defenses
    at Dardanelles," ventured to offer the War Cabinet an inordinate plan
    that is rarely mentioned, much less discussed, in history books.

    Namely, he proposed to the Cabinet in December 1915 that poison gas
    be used against the Turkish defenders, in part in retaliation for the
    "massacre of the Armenians" that was then still going on.

    A combination of official diplomatic correspondence, and private
    memoirs-most notably the diaries of Henry Morgenthau [13], the U.S.
    ambassador to Turkey from 1913 to 1916, an extended report by American
    consul Leslie Davis [14] in Harput, Turkey, from 1915 to 1917, and
    the recently published United States Official Records [15] on the
    Armenian Genocide, 1915-1917-provides lucid, often repellently detailed
    historical accounting of what the U.S. government knew regarding the
    Ottoman Empire and the Armenian genocide. These materials are perhaps
    the most salient examples of the evidence, as per the language of
    various House and Senate resolutions, "documented in the United States
    record," which support [16] the formal U.S.

    recognition of the Armenian genocide as proposed in these Congressional

    The wartime reports [8] from German and Austro-Hungarian officials,
    Turkey's World War I allies, as well as earlier British diplomatic
    reports dating back to 1890, confirm the independent U.S. evidence
    that the origins and evolution of the genocide had little to do with
    World War I "Armenian provocations." Contemporary accounts [8] by
    European diplomats written from 1890 through the of World War I era,
    also demonstrate that these genocidal massacres were perpetrated in
    the context of a formal jihad [8] waged against the Armenians because
    they sought the equal rights promised to them, but never granted, under
    various failed schemes to reform the discriminatory system of Ottoman
    Islamic Law (Sharia). A widely disseminated 1915 Ottoman Fatwa [8]
    entitled "Aljihad"(brought to the U.S. Consul's attention in Cairo),
    for example, clearly sanctioned religiously motivated jihad violence.

    And in his eloquent Wednesday 8/22/07 column [17] "No Room to Deny
    Genocide" the Boston Globe's Jeff Jacoby emphasized the nexus between
    the jihad genocide of the Armenians, the contemporary depredations
    of jihad, and the dangers of denial: And at a time when jihadist
    violence from Darfur to Ground Zero has spilled so much innocent blood,
    dissimulation about the jihad of 1915 [emphasis added] can only aid
    our enemies.

    Moreover the various "strategic rationales" and arguments which
    continue to be put forth by the Obama [18] and earlier administrations
    to oppose formal U.S. recognition of the Armenian genocide -the
    U.S.-Turkish alliance, the Turkish-Israeli alliance, the vulnerability
    of Turkey's vestigial Jewish minority-appear wanting and hackneyed in
    light of burgeoning evidence which undermines their basic credibility.

    The strategic futility and moral bankruptcy of this ongoing U.S.

    policy of jihad genocide denial was underscored by the findings from
    a lengthy U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)
    report [19] just issued March, 2012.

    The report [19] recommended that the U.S. government designate Turkey
    as one of the world's 16 most egregious violators of religious freedom,
    sharply downgrading Turkey's status from a prior "watch" list country,
    to the worst offender's category, designated "Countries of Particular
    Concern." Specific offenses cited, included: * interfering with
    "minority religious communities' affairs; societal discrimination
    and occasional violence against religious minorities; limitations on
    religious dress; and Antisemitism in Turkish society and media."

    * denying "non-Muslim communities the rights to train clergy, offer
    religious education, and own and maintain places of worship."

    * continuing longstanding policies that "threaten the survivability
    and viability of minority religious communities in Turkey."

    * restricting the religious freedom of "the Greek, Armenian, and Syriac
    Orthodox Churches, the Roman Catholic and protestant Churches, and
    the Jewish community" * regarding Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus,
    Turkey "supports numerous arbitrary regulations implemented by local
    Turkish Cypriot authorities.[which] limit the religious activities
    of all non-Muslims living in northern Cyprus, deny these religious
    communities the right to worship freely and restore, maintain,
    and utilize their religious properties, and threaten the long-term
    survival of non-Muslim religious communities in the area."

    The USCIRF report further suggested [19] that the U.S. government
    prompt Turkey to "abolish Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code which
    restricts the freedom of thought and expression and negatively affects
    the freedom of religion or belief." (Not mentioned by the USCIRF report
    was the fact that this negation of freedom of thought and expression
    was in accord with the mainstream dictates [20] of Islam's Sharia-as
    articulated, for example, in the Cairo Declaration, to which Turkey
    is a signatory.) In addition, the report also acknowledged [19]
    that "even starting a discussion on genocide [i.e., jihad genocide
    [8]] of Christians that occurred 100 years ago is a criminal offense
    in Turkey."

    These abuses are the tragic legacy of jihad denial abetted by a uniform
    present era US policy which fails to recognize the jihad genocide
    of the Armenians, and gives the Muslim Turks predictable impunity to
    continue imposing less cataclysmic expressions of Sharia-sanctioned
    discrimination and ethnic cleansing against non-Muslims. Concluding
    somberly, the USCIRF noted [19], Every year that passes without
    substantial religious reform places these minorities in greater peril
    and helps seal their fate. In the Arab Spring, Turkey holds itself out
    to be an Islamist model. But it is no model for religious freedom. We
    have waited for ten years for the AKP to make a real difference in
    the Christians' fate. We can no longer sit by and just --Watch.

    This somber USCIRF conclusion provides a useful segue back to today's
    release of the CSP's web-based seminar [3] "The Muslim Brotherhood
    in America: The Enemy Within."

    The World War I era collapse of the Ottoman Turkish Empire-punctuated
    by the convulsive jihad genocide of the Armenians-was soon followed by
    formal dismantling of the Islamic Caliphate system that had been under
    their aegis for almost a half millennium. Restoration of this recently
    dismantled Caliphate was a primal motivation of Hasan al-Banna when
    he founded the Muslim Brotherhood in the late 1920s-a dream shared
    by tens of millions of Muslims who comprised the global umma then,
    and perhaps hundreds of millions, now [21]. Al-Banna's and the
    Muslim Brotherhood's vision [22] was steadfastly Islamic-hence its
    deep resonance with the timeless aspiration of the Muslim masses to
    establish a transnational Muslim Caliphate via jihad [23].

    Quoting the Qur'anic verse [2:193] "And fight them till sedition is no
    more, and the faith is God's," the Muslim Brothers urged their fellow
    Muslims to restore the bygone greatness of Islam, and to re-establish
    the Islamic empire.[T]hey even called for the restoration of "former
    Islamic colonies" in Andalus (Spain), southern Italy, Sicily, the
    Balkans, and the Mediterranean islands.

    What the CSP's timely seminar [3] makes plain is the odious "vision"
    of Al-Banna's myriad Muslim Brotherhood affiliated heirs-concordant
    with the timeless aspiration of jihad to submit the entire world to
    the totalitarian Sharia-now extends to the Americas. Central to the
    CSP'spresentation is a document [24] whose contents were revealed
    during the Texas Holy Land Foundation jihad-terrorism funding trial.

    This internal Muslim Brotherhood statement dated May 22, 1991 was
    written by an acolyte of the Brotherhood's major theoretician,
    lionized Qatari cleric, popular Al-Jazeera television personality,
    and head of the European Fatwa Council Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi [25].

    Entitled "An Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic
    Goal for the Group In North America," the document [24] is indeed

    The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in
    America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the
    Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable
    house by their hands and by the hands of the believers so that it
    is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other

    Eight decades earlier, a strikingly concordant Weltanschauung
    was articulated openly by Sheik Abd-ul-Haq, a "progressive" Muslim
    Young Turk, writing in a Parisian Muslim review, (Le Mecherouttiete,
    edited by Sherif Pasha, Paris; cited here [26], pp. 241-42), during
    August, 1912: Yes! The Musulman religion is in open hostility to
    all your world of progress. Understand, you European observers,
    that a Christian, whatever his position may be, by the mere fact
    of his being a Christian is regarded by us as a blind man lost to
    all sense of human dignity. Our reasoning with regard to him is as
    simple as it is definitive. We say: the man whose judgment is so
    perverted as to deny the existence of a one and only God, and to
    make up gods of different sorts, can only be the meanest expression
    of human degradation; to speak to him would be a humiliation for
    our intelligence and an insult to the grandeur of the Master of the
    Universe. The presence of such miscreants among us is the bane of
    our existence; their doctrine is a direct insult to the purity of
    our faith; contact with them is a defilement of our bodies; any
    relation with them a torture to our souls. Though detesting you,
    we have condescended to study your political institutions and your
    military organization. Over and above the new weapons that Providence
    procures for us through your agency, you have yourselves rekindled,
    the inextinguishable faith of our heroic martyrs. Our Young Turks,
    our Babis, our new Brotherhoods, all our sects, under various forms,
    are inspired by the same idea; the same necessity of moving forward.

    Towards what end? Christian civilization? Never! Islam is the one great
    international family. All true believers are brothers. A community
    of feeling and of faith binds them in mutual affection. It is for
    the Caliph to facilitate these relations and to rally the Faithful
    under the sacerdotal standard.

    Ongoing denial of these jihad aspirations has characterized continuous
    Western policy failures for the past century. Now, as the illuminating,
    uncompromised CSP seminar [3] reveals, the tragic legacy of jihad
    denial has allowed jihadism to metastasize, and threaten our own most
    cherished U.S. institutions and freedoms.

    All Articles Copyright Copyright symbol 2007-2012 Dr. Andrew Bostom
    All Rights Reserved Printing is allowed for personal use only |
    Commercial usage(For Profit) is a copyright violation and written
    permission must be granted first.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    Article printed from Andrew Bostom: URL to
    de-remembrance/ URLs in this post:

    [1] Image:

    [2] Frank Gaffney's:

    [3] course:

    [4] here:




    [8] date:

    ts,%20nor%20were%20they%20involved%20in%20politics .%20None%20were%20charged%
    20with%20sabotage,%20espionage,%20or%20any%20other %20crime,%20and%20appropri
    ately%20tried.%20%5b5%5d%20As%20the%20intrepid%20T urkish%20author%20Taner%20

    [10] Bat
    /ref=sr_1_1_title_0_main?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=133526 5560&sr=1-1

    [11] Armenian Golgotha:

    [12] Judgment at

    [13] Henry Morgenthau:

    [14] consul Leslie

    [15] United States Official Records:





    [20] mainstream dictates:

    [21] now:




    [25] Yusuf

    [26] here:

    From: A. Papazian